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The mention of my child's name may bring tears to my eyes
but it never fails to bring music to my ears
If you are really my friend, let me hear the beautiful music
of his name
It soothes my broken heart and sings to my soul

~Author Unknown~

~ So small, so sweet, taken so soon ~

Nicholson's hospital card

The very first picture taken of him

The picture above and the one below were taken during his baptism

Holding Mommy's finger

Nicky's baptismal certificate

My first and last time holding my sweet baby boy

His tiny little hand and footprints

Broken-hearted, we try to say goodbye

He has quietly slipped away

Till we meet again, my love....

~ As long as I am living, my baby you'll be ~

~ Nicholson's Family ~

Nicholson's surviving triplet sisters, Danielle Nancy and Sierra Kennedy on their third birthday

His baby sister Leah Jordan born October 2, 1999

Mommy, Daddy, Danielle & Sierra at Leah's baptism on February 27, 2000





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~ All images on this page made using Nicholson's very own hand and footprints ~

This page and all it's contents
are property of Nicholson's Mommy and Daddy
Copyright © 2000
~ All rights reserved ~