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Always remember
To never forget
The memory and spirit
Of our angel you've met

We were together but an instant
And then we had to part
May he live on forever
Deep in your heart

Thank you so much for coming to visit and spending time at my angel's site. His death has forever changed me but I feel it has made me a much stronger person. I had wanted to do a memorial for him for a very long time but had no idea of what to do. Recently, I had two of the few pictures of him enlarged and when they are framed, I will hang them proudly on our walls for everyone who visits to see.

When I realized that I would like to do a web page memorial, I thought it was something that I could do on my own. After many frustrating attempts at starting, I posted a message at MISS saying that I was giving up as I was feeling totally clueless. I received so many words of encouragement and offers of help and I would like to thank all of those ladies that told me not to give up and offered help.

There are two ladies in particular that I would like to thank personally. They are Donnna (Kaylee's Gigi) and Tamara (Hope's Mommy).

Donna, you were the first one to offer support and encouragement. I want to thank you for pointing out where I could look for beautiful backgrounds and graphics and for telling me "where there is a will, there is a way". You were such a guide considering the tragedy you and your family had just gone through with Kaylee's death. Thank you so very much.

Tamara, I don't know what I'd do without you. When I think of how happy you have made me, I am positively speechless. There aren't enough words for me to say "thank you". There are none that would actually express my gratitude for what you have done. Not only did you make a most beautiful site for my sweet baby boy but you lifted my spirits up to heaven. You gave me strength when I thought I had none. You opened your heart when I needed it most by making this wonderful place where I can celebrate Nicholson's life. I can't tell you how wonderful it is to be able to share him with the rest of the world. You are kind. You are generous. You are patient. You are a teacher. You are my forever friend.





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