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Welcome to the Void...

You find yourself in a room full of mirrors. In the center of the room is a man sitting on a stone chair. The man is dressed in grey robes and his head is bowed. The man looks up, a while glow coming from under his hood. He motions you forward and to a podium standing in front of him. You walk forward and stand at the podium then the man stands. He looks to be over 8 feet tall with a very broad body.

Noranis: Greetings. I am Noranis, an Observer of the planes of existance. We Observers are a collective of beings who observe the lives of all living within the Realms and log our observations in the the Book of Realms. You touched the Rune of the Observers which brought you to me. You come here seeking to know the life of the man named Thunder Silverstar. The Thunder Silverstar from the Realm in which you live is but one incarnation of that man. The soul travels throughout the Realms and then joins in a body to form the person you know as Thunder Silverstar.

Noranis motions toward the mirrors that cover the walls.

Noranis: Those mirrors there are not really mirrors. They are in essence windows, portals in which to view the different Realms. Through each mirror you may see people of different Realms. These Realms pay no heed to time or space as where it is one time here, it may be another elsewhere.

Noranis motions to a mirror off to your left which shows a knight in battle with a dragon. He then points to the one directly next to it and it shows a star fighter pilot engaged in a dog fight with an alien war ship.

Noranis: This may be a difficult concept to understand, and that is most certainly understandable. The time in which you come may be very different from a time you view. So now, you came to see the life of the man you know. Perhaps seeking to understand him better, or perhaps seeking out a weakness in the man to destroy him. It is not allowed that us Observers get involved in the lives of those we observe.

Noranis waves his hand and a stone tablet appears in your hands.

Noranis: Take heed however. You may not always find what you see to your liking. Follow the guide given on the tablet to each Realm to observe. As you come to a portal you wll be taken to that Realm as a ghost. Noone will know you or remember you. These are events that have already taken place. You can not be harmed and you can not intervene. You are just an observant; unseen, unfelt, and unheard.

Noranis disappears from your sight.

The Guide has a listing of all of the Realms in which Thunder Silverstar exists. It gives the guide to the mirror to observe his life in these Realms.

Wanders Inn

Worlds Edge Inn


Thunder Silverstar Message Area