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Welcome to my secret garden,
I hope you like roses.

Here, I like to read my
poems about my family and home.
I hope you enjoy this place and my writings.
(Do you hear the doves cooing, I do)

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Come along and run with me, as I stroll across my memory...

Within gardens green as birds on the wing take flight through bush and tree, where flowers reach to yond blue sunny skies as Angels wings like soft white clouds float slowly above...

I hear the winds silent song, I feel my Mothers kiss upon my face, I look into calm water to see love's Reflections looking back at me...

Deep are my dreams, many are my days, How I long to hear Mothers voice calling me to tea...

"Sarah Collins"

~A Tribute to Mother~
~~from her children~~

"Barnabas Collins" wrote:

The true saving grace of the Collins family.

"Ay,let them rail-those haughty ones,
While safe thou dwellest with thy sons.
They do not know how loved thou art,
How many a fond and fearless heart
Would rise to throw
Its life between thee and the foe."
"The loving brother of Sarah"

"The Ghost of Sarah Collins" wrote:

No Stronger love from up above
Can match the simple Beauty of
My Mother's arms that open wide
To enfold me there inside
To feel her kiss upon my face
Her loving smile
Her tender grace
To guide me in life's hurried pace
No one will ever take her place
Forever have the memory of
The wonderness of Mother's love
~The loving sister of Barnabas~
(from the newsgroup)

(A filksong)
"Starting Over"
by: John Lennon
words by: The Ghost of Sarah Collins.

I am here beside you
In the shadows to hide you
In my arms... in my arms...
You know my life is un-ending
Come take my hand don't walk away
My heart... is yours...

The night is young why don't we dance
Come hold me close and take a chance
My Julia...
And darlin while we're dancin
I want to start romancin with you, my love
Will you please just be mine forever...
Mine forever...

I know I've loved you for all these years
You came to help release my fears completely...
The time has come now Julia dear...
You'll never have a thing to fear my love...
Will you say, you'll be mine forever...
Mine forever...

Just let me bring you across
Have a coffin made for only two
We'll live together for eternity...
As the sunset falls into the sea

Julia... darlin...
The world you'll see you'll marry me
The way you knew that it would be
To hold and love each other
The night will be our cover...
To never die...
Then you'll be, always mine forever...
Mine forever.... look out!

I am here beside you
In the shadows to hide you
In my arms... mmm in my arms...
You know my life is un-ending
Come take my hand and walk away...
With me...

Mine forever..... oh....oh....oh...oh


Lady Jane gave me this lovely pot to sit in my Garden.

(Here is my favorite nursery rhyme)

"London Bridge Is Falling Down"

London Bridge is falling down,
Falling down,
Falling down.
London Bridge is falling down,
My fair lady.

Take a key and lock her up,
Lock her up,
Lock her up.
Take a key and lock her up,
My fair lady.

How will we build it up,
Build it up,
Build it up?
How will we build it up,
My fair lady?

Build it up with silver and gold,
Silver and gold,
Silver and gold.
Build it up with silver and gold,
My fair lady.

Gold and silver I have none,
I have none,
I have none.
Gold and silver I have none,
My fair lady.

Build it up with needles and pins,
Needles and pins,
Needles and pins.
Build it up with needles and pins,
My fair lady.

Pins and needles bend and break,
Bend and break,
Bend and break.
Pins and needles bend and break,
My fair lady.

Build it up with wood and clay,
Wood and clay,
Wood and clay.
Build it up with wood and clay,
My fair lady.

Wood and clay will wash away,
Wash away,
Wash away.
Wood and clay will wash away,
My fair lady.

Build it up with stone so strong,
Stone so strong,
Stone so strong.
Build it up with stone so strong,
My fair lady.

Stone so strong will last so long,
Last so long,
Last so long.
Stone so strong will last so long,
My fair lady.


~a poem of my home~

Born was I in manor old
A family name with riches untold
A new country brave and bold...
Through little girls eyes I see the world
I run in the garden I love to twirl...
To feel bare feet upon the grass
Arms full of rose's for this little lass
With a tear from her eye and pain in her heart
From manor old she must depart...
To dwell where only trees once stood
To live in noble Collinwood...
Where generations of Collins clan
Will haply bide for which is planned...
In Collinwood does Sarah twirl
Will they remember this little girl...

~Sarah Collins~

~Let me tell you a tale~

Here are stories told to me by my brother Barnabas on
cold rainy nights when I was much too frightened to
sleep; as I would rest my head in my very own bed, my
brother would sit by my side and begin like this...

Once upon a time, not to far from here, there is a
wonderful land where the sun shines like golden
rays of silk thread, where the grass is so green and
high it makes waves like the one's you see on the
Ocean blue, where the cool winds feel like tiny kisses
on your cheeks, and where everyone is happy and gay
all day long. Do you know the name of this place? he
would ask... as I would always say with a yawn, no,
what do they call that place Barnabas? and Barnabas
would make his voice as soft as whisper and say,
they call this place dreamland, and do you know why
they would call this land of milk and honey dreamland?
he would ask, this time as I close my eyes and shake
my head, while feeling my self wanting to go to this
land my big brother spoke of, they call it dreamland
because anything and everything that is good can
happen there, that is where they give sweet dreams
away, and where no one can cry or be sad because how
can some one cry or even feel sad when they are in
such a wonderful place where their dreams are like
sweet rose water, and where these dreams really can
come my brother told me these stories I
could never help but to slip off to a sound and
wonderful sleep... so if I may I would like to Share
some of these wonderful tales with you...I hope you
care for them as much as I did and still do...
~Sarah Collins~

More poetry (and some filksongs)to come!