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The Special Needs Kitties of the CWP Group


This is an introduction of a Special Group Of Kitties. Cats with paralysis. Called "Special Needs" kitties, and all of their needs are balanced with a very Special Love they give freely to their humans. These humans who actually are the ones "owned" by the Kitty. These are also Special humans who had the insight and courage to stand up to everyone who asked, tried to convience, and even at times pressure these humans to have these kitties "put down" because they would NOT have any quality of life. We hope after you read some of these stories you will start to believe as we do, because we know deep in our hearts these kitties have a good life, and are here to give much love, and teach something very special.

The members of Cats With Paralysis Yahoo group, humans & cats.

At the bottom of this page is a link to our Yahoo group, please come visit us.




Now on with the story of CWP Group!


This is Don, our fearless leader [grin] and some of the MANY MANY cats that found a home under his roof.To get a idea how many kitties call his place home........ recently one kitty who had heard about his house through the Underground Cats Message Board,[UCMB] went to his address, was just sitting on the porch checking it all out when Don opened the front door, thinking this kitty was already living there, Don said "Come on, Just come on in".... ROFL and that is how "Justin" got his name! [Just+In]

Most of the members of this group have searched and searched to find somewhere, a place to feel like we weren't so different from everyone else. To have a place where we could chat with others who deal with the same, similar situations or delimias. Many of us have even been a part of various groups that were kinda close, but still we were "different" from everyone else. Miss Suzanna and I had done that. We finally gave up for most of the time. Occasionally I would do a search, but not put alot of my energy or heart into it.

Then one nite, I found this group! Excited I told Miss Suzanna about the group, and since the group was started by Don & Silvie, it meant Miss Suzanna & I were their FIRST Members! We were so excited to FINALLY meet someone else that lived with the Special Needs situations as we did. One difference was Miss Suzanna had been paralyzed several years before Silvie. In our story, we will have seperate pages for you to go read about each kitty's journey. Miss Suzanna's Story is here and Silvi's Story is here. Other members story's are on this page and more will be added as our journey unfolds.

As other kitties heard about our group, they found us and joined. To finally find someone who is dealing with what you deal with, is so helpful, and makes you feel like the world is better each day. I can say these words for the kitties and their humans, due to my own personal medical journey. I have several medical conditions that aren't very common, and it is very reassuring to "find one of your own" so to speak.

We are here to share with you about the special love and blessings you get by loving one of these amazing kitties. However, as with any animal you let into your heart, you also have to face the day that you must let go of their soft furry little bodies. As a group, we have gotten very fond of all the kitties. Each having a special personality, that seems to have touched us all. Some little ones aren't on this earth very long at all. We tend to ask WHY did they come, only to leave quickly. But many times we have been able to see why, and share our feelings and thoughts with the human that was owned by the little ball of fur.

Then as with Miss Suzanna, she was almost 10 years old when paralyzed. She survived eight years after her injury. As with me, she became a Hero with the group. She seldom complained, she didn't see she was disabled. Most of the time when I tried to help her she let me know she was doing just fine on her own, thank-you. The first nite she was home from the hospital, after eating her own dish of food, she dragged herself to Govy's dish and proceeded to finish his food as she always did. She didn't see why things should be any different just because her back legs didn't work like they were suppose to. She was such an amazing little kitty Spirit. I know she is still with me in Spirit, but I miss her nuzzels.

I know the group felt her loss as well. It was quite sad when I announced she had gone to Rainbow Bridge. Despite her being 18 years old, and many times I felt I was loosing her, that week we had some good days with an improvement with her neck nerves. Then almost suddenly she went down hill over 2-3 days. When you have a Special Needs Kitty, you have such a close bond, the letting go is so very difficult, considering how hard this part always is. .

She was my soulmate, love of my life. I wouldn't have given up even one day with her no matter how hard letting go has been. After she left, I did realize she was extra work, but again, despite my own disability I wouldn't have given her up even one day sooner just to have less work. She was worth the work, to have her in my life. I learned so much from her, or because of trying to use more natural ways, I received so much beautiful love from her, I would do it all over again to have more time with her. I hope that what we share here helps others see these Special Needs Kitties are so precious, they have a happy life, and too many are lost to a HARD ATTITUDE that says to ALLOW them to live is CRUEL, because it is far from it!

Even now, I can imagine seeing her sitting on the couch waiting for me to join her. As I would settle in, she would gaze up at me with eyes saying, "I love you, I adore you, you are my whole world, you are my life forever." I never felt more loved in my life EVER, than by this sweet little Princess. I do this for her, to continue her memory and how she became paralyzed. I also know each person in our group feels just as strong about their beautiful kitty.


If you are interested in joining our Yahoo Group, come check us out through the link below. We also have a few kitties that aren't actually paralyzed, but have other Special Needs. We also discuss Neurological problems, such as Marty who came to live with me, and only has 3 legs. He is the cutest little Tuxedo kitty that missing his back left leg, but it doesn't slow him down one bit. He is abit of a sidewinder when he gets to going really fast chasing his brother Manny.


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Member's Story Pages


Created & Updated by
Katrina Katz & the Boys
at Southpawcats for

Jan. 7,2009