Tension in the Ranks,
Washington DC

by Joshua Duffin,
V:EKN Prince of Washington, D.C.
with additional content by Trey Morita
John Mickle, Dan Coleman and Forrest Nielsen

March 22, 2003 Sixteen players showed up (Greg Williams making it just in the nick of time from the far corner of Maryland) at the Game Parlor in Chantilly, Virginia for a constructed VTES tournament. There were at least three people playing ally based decks, possibly four Tzimisce decks in play, and at one first round table...there were three Kiasyd decks.

Three Rounds, plus Final Rankings looked like this:

Rank Player**********preGWs*preVPs*finVPs*TPs
1** Tom Mickle*********1****5*******3***126
2** Colin Riggs*********3****11******1***180
3** Greg Williams******2****7*******1***138
4** Jason Babbitt******2****6*******0***138
5** Mike Scheffler*****1****4*******0****96
6** Heather Fogg*******1****3***********106
7** Michael Gray*******0****4***********126
8** Matt Morgan*******0****3***********130
9** Joshua Duffin******0****2***********100
10* Forrest Nielsen*****0****1***********104
11 * Emily Lloyd********0****1************94
11 * Peter Oh***********0****1***********94
13 * JohnM (Sporemage)*0****0***********84
14 * Trey Morita********0****0***********74
14 * Kurt Reese*********0****0***********74
16 * Roger McCrady*****0****0***********64

Cut to the top five, where the seating went:

Tom -> Jason -> Greg -> Colin -> Mike (-> Tom)
and after a protracted game, Tom Mickle won with his horde of War Ghouls (much better than a Secret Horde, or even a Shambling Horde).

Let me just say that Colin's getting three straight game wins with Baali is a feat that could only have been exceeded if he'd been able to make it four.

I think that was my first round table Trey's talking about, and it was pretty funny... I had Bartholomew (I guess my deck was "sort of" a Kiasyd deck), my prey was playing Kiasyd/Lasombra and had Kassiym Malikhair and later Marconius, Greg (cross-table) was playing Kiasyd/Lasombra and had Julia Prima, Beatrice, and Talley the Hound, and Jason (predator) had Ian Forestal (also in Greg's deck) out with his Tremere deck. Very brief summary of decks that I remember/saw:

Tom Mickle--Tzimisce Turbo-War-Ghoul + weenie Auspex
Colin Riggs--Baali heavy stealth-bleed, Greta Kircher + bounce
Greg Williams--Kiasyd heavy stealth-bleed (he's been playing this a while),some intercept
Jason Babbitt--Tremere Ankara Citadel abuse (Ulugh, Muaziz, Freaks, Governs, Deflections, etc)
Mike Scheffler--Setite stealth-bleed
Heather Fogg--Tzimisce/Jost Werner somewhat-stealthy bleed
Michael Gray--Kiasyd/Lasombra toolbox/stealth-bleed
Matt Morgan--Not sure, was never in a game with him.
Joshua Duffin--Bartholomew + Anarch Revolts + bleed reduction (Folderol, Telepathic Counter, Ecstasy!)
Forrest Nielsen--a hunter deck built around the idea that he didn't need Vampires. Thus, the name "Vampires?! We don't need no stinking vampires: Hunter deck."
Emily Lloyd--Harbingers/Blood Brothers Force of Will with Potence deterrents
Peter Oh--weenie Potence rush
JohnM (Sporemage)--fairly-weenie Pot/For rush (prevention, Disarm, though that wasn't the only combat it had)
Trey Morita--Tremere/Assamite Cryptic Mission/ally (Gregory Winter, Ghouls of Plaza Moreria)
Kurt Reese--Tzimisce wall deck
Roger McCrady--Euro-Brujah I think? Though I don't remember actually seeing it.

Tom Mickle's winning deck:
You may remember he won the GB Storyline with a !Malk S&B deck. The comments are from his brother John. He too was here for the storyline. Look at the deck!! Wwwwho in the world has ten war ghouls...obviously Tom does.

Jake & Fake, Pool & Ghoul, Bounce & Trounce
by Tom Mickle

crypt (12)

5 x 8 little tailor of prague
5 devin bisley
3 wendy wade
2 horatio
3 isabel de leon
3 zoe
2 brazil
1 franciscus

library (90)

master (25)

6x blood doll
5x jake washington
3x library HG
2x fame
tension in the ranks
powerbase montreal
direct intervention
creepshow casino
club zombie
giant's blood
mob connections

actions (20)

10x war ghoul
3x ghoul escprt
vagabond mystic
mr winthrop
tasha morgan
js simmons
jackie therman
IR goggles

modifiers (11)

6x plasmic form
5x changeling

reaction (18)

10x telepathic misdirection
eagle's sight

combat (16)
9x fake out
4x trap
3x breath of the dragon


that's it. on a personal note, i'm sick that tom won w/ combat. he never wins w/ combat. i think i'm gonna go to his house and beat him up for that... ;+( sporemage john

1047AD - first appearance in written form of the word "upir" (an early form of the word later to become "vampire") in a document referring to a Russian prince as "Upir Lichy," or wicked vampire.

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