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Welcome to my website on the study of mountains. 

You've probably heard about Mount Everest and the Himalaya Mountains? But have you ever wondered how those mountains were formed or what animals live there?

During our Geology unit, we were asked to do a report on a topic. I chose mountains because they are so big, beautiful and quiet. My grandparents have a cabin in the mountains in West Virginia and there is so much to do there when we spend a weekend. You can sit on a log and watch squirrels and deer play. Or you can listen to the different sounds that the trees make when the wind blows. My brothers and I like to take walks on the trails and have acorn battles. I like the fall season when the leaves change color too.

There is so much information on the Internet on mountains. If you would like to learn all about mountains and see a bunch of "cool" pictures, you've come to the right place. Take a look inside my links and have fun!