
My Life
Life is like a Rose. you bud, bloom, and then wither and die.

Life why does it go by so fast? Leaving you with nothing but memories of the past

Like my small children running and playing on the green dewy grass hunting for brightly colored Easter Eggs after Sunday School class.

Oh! is that me I see in the looking glass? Staring back at me I see in my haunting,sallow eyes a reflection of the past.. A young happy girl.

To whom, love and marriage came in such a spinning whirl. A whole new life was just beginning, life like the oyster and the growing exqusite pearl.

But, now I look so withered and old like a worn out leather shoe. While the pearl still looks fresh and new.

Where has my youthful face gone and what have I become? Someone who sits here all alone lost in thoughts

Remembering better times of children , a husband and a home.

The house is not a home anymore, because the husband belongs to another. The children have all grown an have left to start a life and family of their own.

So here in this big empty room I sit alone. With no one around. No familiar voices or sounds,do I hear.

No Momma where's my teddy bear.

Tears of lonliness well up in my eyes, my heart cries, and my soul sighs. Day by day a little bit more of me dies.

Sometimes I think I'd be better off if put in the cold hard ground..Someday someone will find me sitting body covered with flies.

With the look of lonliness embedded in my cold dead eyes...

Elusive Love

Elusive Love Poetry