Cyber Love and Dreams

His Love

Dream Lover

What are you looking for a piece of my heart?
That you already have!
What are searching for a look into my soul?
Yes you will see yourself there

Welcome to Elusive Love, My name is Maggie. I don't fancy myself a writer, but I do try to write from the heart and soul. Words written from pain, love, anger and hate. I hope you read something that stirs your emotions. Then I will know that I have touched your heart.Thank You....

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Sorry for the inconveince. ELusive Love

My Elusive Love hides from me
I know he is there somewhere
But, his face I can not see
His scent I cannot smell
His touch I cannot feel
Maybe someday in his heart
Love for me will dwell
But, Until that time he is a
Elusive Love
Not meant to be
Sometimes, I wonder should I just walk
Into the depths of the Sea
And, Let the under tow carry me to a world of
Black Ecstasy

Elusive Love/Copyright@1999-2004

All poetry found on this site are the original writings of Elusive Love aka M.Moseley unless otherwise stated and are considered to be under her copyright via the Elusive Love Usage of such work is prohibited without express written consent by the author. Any picture located within this site, if under copyright, will be acknowledged or removed upon informing author by writing to