My Destiny

My Destiny

To sit by the Aegean blue sea watching the waves lapping the shore has such a calming peaceful effect on me. Like the hand of God touching me filling my world with a blissful light.

It seems to soothe my soul and cleanse me of my troubles and woes. To gaze out upon the still azure blue water where it becomes one with the sky melting into God's heaven where you can see Angels dancing on soft white clouds. What a glorious sight.

I always seem to be engulfed in a wondrous safe haven. Is this a way of a baby's lost soul reflecting upon its past when it was in the whooshing water of its mother's womb safe from all the world's harm .

To see the moonlight glimmering off the water casting shadows upon the shore. Soft music and laughter from the Taverna behind me. My thoughts have slipped away to a better time and place. To my life in Athens and my beautiful Aegean Sea.

To live by the Aegean Sea. To be touched by God's brand of therapy To recapture my Heart and Soul of long ago.. Would be my most wanted Destiny..

If I believed in past lives I would think I had lived in Ancient Greece. The night I flew out of Athens I looked at the lights below and cryed my eyes out and said "Athens I leave you my heart and soul."

Elusive Love 11/07/2000 Copyright ©2000-2001

My Athena Pics

Elusive Love Poetry