Anime Sets
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A small note: This sections sets are rarely added to due to lack of things to work with, so if you have an idea
for a set or an anime image you would like to share with me please email me. I would love to turn your ideas in to a reality!
Weeeeeee I got an award!!!!!!

Other Anime Stuff
 slow loading pages ahead!
12 Sailor Moon borders
Anime buttons

To view each set click on the thumbnail below.

Mihoshi corner set

Momiji from Blue Seed corner set

Ryoko Corner set

Ryoko full page set

Sailor Saturn Corner set

Seline from Devil Man NOT FOR KIDS!!!!!!!

Urd full page set

Washu Corner set

WAshu full page set

Wicked Lady corner set

Goury Full page set

Invader Zim

A rather Saucie Hotaru guest created by Brian and Ely

Gun Dream Battle Angel Alita