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An Open Letter From A Breast Cancer Survivor

Welcome to my cancer survivor website.
One in every eight women in the United States will be diagnosed with breast cancer this year.
Support breast cancer health and research for your mother, your sister, your wife, and even your daughter.
... Because there is life after breast cancer.
I am living proof.

My Story
It has been nearly 4 years since I was diagnosed with breast cancer when I was 21 years old. In fact, February 14th marked my 4 year anniversary of being cancer free. If I had been born 20 years earlier and this had happened to me, I probably wouldn't have survived. But because of great strides forward in breast cancer research over the past 20 years, I am healthy and living a full life.

Life After Cancer
Soon after my recovery, my husband and I renewed our wedding vows, a very special occasion for all our friends and family and a new beginning for us. Soon after, we became pregnant with our son. We bought our first house last year, and I'm now busy making a home and being a mommy.

Celebrating Survival
In celebration of my 4 year anniversary, I am going to be walking in the Avon Breast Cancer 3 Day. The weekend of May 4, along with thousands of other survivors, I will walk 60 miles from Frederick, MD, to Washington, DC, to raise money for breast cancer research and breast health programs.

I began my training and fundraising in February. I am up to walking 47 miles a week, and I have received over $2,650 in donations as of May 2. I gain more miles and money every day, and you can follow my progress in my diary on my Updates page.

Just to be able to participate in this event, I had to raise a minimum of $1900 in pledges before the deadline of April 6. I, however, have set a personal goal of $5000 in pledge money.

I know that sounds crazy, but I'm over halfway there--I am a survivor, and I aim high.

For the Women You Love
I need your support in meeting this goal, so I have created this website to share my personal experience in surviving breast cancer and to raise awareness about young women and breast cancer.

If you would like to support me in the Avon 3 Day Walk, it's quick and easy, and your donation is tax deductible. You can make an online donation from here. You'll need my Walker Number for the Washington, D.C. event, then just link to Avon's online donation site and follow the directions.

Your Generosity
I'd like to thank all my online supporters. Furthermore, each mile I walk will be dedicated in honor of a breast cancer survivor or to someone we have lost to the disease. If you make a donation and/or would like me to dedicate a mile to someone, please drop me a line here: Saucy Walker

All my best,

Special Features

You can share your thoughts with me privately on my Feedback page,
and please visit my Links page for helpful breast cancer information sites.

See the Miles Dedicated List added April 9 and Donors List added April 25 on my Updates page.

I have been selected to be an Avon 3 Day Media Spokesperson!
Get the details! See my new Media page!

 Donations Update
Due to your generosity, I have exceeded the minimum donations amount,
and Avon will accept your donations until June 1st.
Thank you!

 Please click here to donate by check

 Watch for my upcoming 3 Day Walk 2001: Memories page coming soon.

  days until the Avon 3 Day Walk 2002!

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While building this site, I found this little quiz at It tests your knowledge on the myths and facts of breast cancer and has links to more information. See how much you know... It only takes a few minutes, and it could save your life or the life of someone you love.
Take the NetQuiz

Watch for my new PERMANENT SITE coming soon!

This page was last updated on 06/25/01.

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