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[Pre-Surgery Pictures | Surgery Pictures | Post-Surgery Pictures]
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Surgery Pictures

I am being rolled into the surgery room.
This is Dr. Light, one of the top transplant surgeons in the country.
My Kidney actually being removed from my body.
The ice dish the kidney is placed into to keep it cool.
My kidney actually being placed into my dad.
My kidney cooling off before being placed into my pop's.
Another pic of the doc's holding my kidney.
My kidney is a dish colling off.
Another close-up picture of my kidney
Yet another close-up picture of my kidney.
This is a t
The video screen the docors use to look at when they perform laparascopic surgery.
All the doctors standing around me during surgery.
This is Dr. Light, one of the top transplant surgeons in the country.
This is Dr. Light, one of the top transplant surgeons in the country.
This is Dr. Light, one of the top transplant surgeons in the country.
This is Dr. Light, one of the top transplant surgeons in the country.
This is Dr. Light, one of the top transplant surgeons in the country.
This is Dr. Light, one of the top transplant surgeons in the country.
