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White Wolf: Flaws

Backgrounds Flaws Knowledge Merits Skills Talents Totem
Melee Firearms
Flaw Cost Notes
Addiction 1-3 -2 dice if can't get
Agency Outsider 3 -1 dice pool on working inside
Aging 3 per -1 physical trait
Alien Appearance 1-5 aka: Slipped Seeming
Allergic 1-5 -2 dice if touched, -5 dice if ingested
Amnesia 2
Anachronism 2
Artistic Inept 2 +2 difficulty to all Creativity and Art rolls
Asthma 1
Bad Sight 2 +2 difficulty to Vision
Banned Transformation 1-6
Bard's Tongue 1
Bizarre Hunger 1-4
Blackmailed 1-3
Blind 6
Blunt Teeth 1 minus one success on bite attacks, +1 damage
Botched Moliate/Shift 1-3
Bound 3 unable to leave specific location
Bulimia 4 willpower roll to keep food down
Bureau Vendetta 2
Burned Out 1
Can't Cross Stream 3
Can't Enter Residence 3 requires permission or Willpower check
Child 3 +2 difficulty on relevant social rolls
Chimerical Disability var any physical (half value), Umbra/Chimerical only
Clan/Tribe Enmity 2 -2 dice penalty on social rolls to one clan/tribe
Clan/Tribe Weakness 2
Club Foot 1 half movement rate
Color Blind 1
Compulsion 1
Compulsive Truth 2
Conflicting Loyalties 1-3
Confused 2
Curiosity 2-3
Cursed 1-5
Damned 1
Dark Fate 5
Dark Heritage 2
Deaf 4
Debts 1-3
Deep Sleeper 1
Deformity 3 +2 difficulty on related Dex rolls
Derangement 3
Disconcerting 1 +2 difficulty to social rolls, aka: Animal Musk
Disease Carrier 4
Disembodied Shadow 3 external incarnate Shadow
Disfigured 2 Appearance 0
Disgrace 2
Disreputable Clique 2
Distinctive Appearance 1
Double Agent 2
Driving Goal 3
Easily Sensed 3 -2 difficulty for people to notice you
Echoes 1-5 superstition affects you
Eerie Presence 2 -2 dice to social interaction
Enemy 1-5 aka: Foe from the Past
Fangless 2
Flashbacks 3
Forced Transformation 1-4
Fragile Corpus 3 takes double corpus damage
Freak Magnet 4
Geas 1-7 aka: Magic Prohibition/Imperative
Hard of Hearing 1 +2 difficulty to Hearing
Hatred 3
Haunted 3
Hero Worship 1
Hunchback 2 +1 difficulty on Social and Dex rolls
Hunted 1-5
Illiterate 1
Improperly Buried 1
Inept 5 -5 dots starting in Talents
Infertile Vitae 3 cannot create children
Intolerance 1
Isolated Upbringing 1 -1 dice to social rolls outside group
Jinx 3-4 cannot uses Tech Artifact/Fetish
Jupiter Descending 6 always +1 die, 1's take away
Lame 3 -2 dice on movement rolls
Lazy 1
LifeSaver 3
Light Sensitive 5
Limited Life/DeathSight 1 +2 difficulty to one ability
Low Self-Image 1 -2 dice where in doubt
Lunacy 2
Magic Susceptible 2 -2 difficulty vs. Sphere/Hedge/Tremere Magic
Manchurian Candidate 5
Mark of the Predator 2 -3 dice on animal interaction
Mars Descending 6 -1 die for combat
Mercury Descending 3 +1 difficulty Gauntlet/opening anything
Methuselah's Thirst 7 may only feed on Vampire blood
Minority 1
Mistaken Identity 1
Multiple Personality 5 different Nature/Demeanors, aka: Alternate Identity
Monstrous 3 Appearance 0
Moon Madness 5 +2 Rage, must make frenzy checks often
Mute 4
Naive 1
Nightmares 1
No Partial Transform 1
No Reflection 2
Notoriety 3 -2 dice penalty on social rolls in one group
Obsession 2
Offensive to Animals 1 -2 dice on animal interaction
One Arm 3 -2 dice where both hands are used
One Eye 2 -2 dice using depth perception
Overconfident 1
Pack Disgrace 2 -2 dice on Social, -2 Status
Pack Mentality 2 +/-1 difficulty without/with pack
Pack Punishment 1 you are at the bottom of the pecking order
Pain of the Past 4 faint from Past Life recall
Paranoia 2 +1 difficulty on social rolls
Paraplegic 6
Parasitic Infection 2 loose D4 Blood per day, +1 diff to resist frenzy
Permanent Wound 3 your natural state is -4 wound levels
Persistent Family 2
Phobia 1-5 requires Courage roll
Pierced Veil/Mists 3
Poor Artistic Taste 1
Poor Heritage 1-2
Power Inept 5 one sphere/discipline/art/... unlearnable
Prey Exclusion 1
Privacy Obsession 2 Frenzy if someone enters your haven
Probationary Member 4 no one trusts you, yet...
Proselytizer 1
Psychic Vampire 5
Putrescent 3 -1 soak, zombie rot
Rebel 1-3
Religious Hysteria 3
Repelled by Crosses 3
Repulsed by Garlic 1
Rival 1
Rotting 2 +1 difficulty on social rolls
Sado-Masochism 2 willpower to stop hurting someone, +1 diff soak
Secret - Dangerous 2
Secret - Dark History 1
Secret - Friendship 1
Siege Mentality 3 -1 die to Investigate/Empathy outside group
Selective Digestion 2
Sensation Junkie 2
Short 1
Short Fuse 2 -2 difficulty to frenzy
Shy 1 +1 difficulty on social rolls
Sign of the Beast 2
Sire/Mentor - Diabolic 2
Sire/Mentor - Infamous 1
Sire/Mentor - Insane 1
Sire/Mentor - Resent 1
Slip Sideways 1 -1 to Shroud/Gauntlet when accidental
Slow Healing 3 1/4 healing rate, double cost
Social Outcast 3
Soft-Hearted 1
Special Responsibility 1
Speech Impediment 1 +2 difficulty on speaking rolls
Spirit/Chimera Magnet 2-6
Spirit Susceptible 2 -2 difficulty vs. Gifts/Arts/Arcanos/Numina
Stench 1 -2 dice stealth vs scent
Strangeness 1 per one auto-success (bad) on weirdness roll
Strict Carnivore/Veget 1
Superstitious 2
Taint of Corruption 1 kills plants
Territorial 2 +1 difficulty on anything outside
Thaumivore 5
Thin-Blooded 4
Throwback 1-5 aka: Insane Past Life
Time Cycle 1-5 Shroud/Gauntlet tougher at certain times
Tortured Artist 1
Twisted Upbringing 1
Ugly 1 Appearance costs double
Umbra Reflections 1-3 aka: Echoes of the Past (Wraith)
Umbral Connection 3 considered as Spirit for Binding purposes
Uneducated 5 -5 dots starting in Knowledge
Unknown Fetter 1-5
Unskilled 5 -5 dots starting in Skills
Vengeance 2
Venus Descending 2 +1 difficulty to Charisma rolls
Vulgar 1
Vulnerability 1-5 takes damage from common substance
Ward 3
Weak-Willed 2 -2 difficulty to be controlled
Whimsy 1
Weaver Taint 4
Wolf Years 5 1/7 normal live span
Wyld Mind 2 willpower roll for extended actions
Wyrm Taint 7 [half for Vampires]

Backgrounds Flaws Knowledge Merits Skills Talents Totem
Melee Firearms