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Very weird!

Well, thatīs what I thought after hearing the Telescopesī debut album "Taste" 1989. I got it cos I saw one of their videos, "Flying" on MTV, and my record shop didnīt have the second album.

"Taste" is definitely one of the "hardest" albums I own, some tracks are nearly unlistenable, and if you want someone to think their CD-player is broken, just put this CD in.

Months later I finally got the second album, "Telescopes" 1993, and this was the real deal. Itīs a pretty "quiet" album (especially if you know their older stuff) and in my opinion the second best album ever recorded. Trying to describe itīs beauty just wouldnīt work, so I suggest you just buy it and fall in love with it straight away.

If you like the album (Iīm sure you will) itīs also worth looking for the singles (Everso, Flying and Celeste) which have great b-sides.

The Telescopes split sometime around 1994 (thanks Emily!). Singer and mastermind Stephen Lawrie has formed Unisex, who released their debut single last year and the rythm section is now in Sunhouse.

What the press said:

about the album, Select July 1992: "The Tellies have avoided many of the pitfalls that await todayīs sixth-form Space Cowboys - not too much OTT wall-of-noise stuff - opting instead for minimalist inventiveness. Take Spaceships. Itīs gentle and druggy, but thereīs obviously a real song beneath all the fashionable noises" 3 out of 5

What they said themselves:

Stephen Lawrie: MM "Weīre into scum." (nice)

Telescopes records I own:

  • Taste (CD-album)
  • Trademark Of Quality (CD-album)
  • Precious Little (12" single)
  • Everso (12" single)
  • Celeste (12" single)
  • Flying (12" single)
  • The Telescopes (CD-album)

The only Telescopes page I could find on the net

Emilyīs page