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Robin's Daydream

A Daydream

Once, in the brightest of day
Shalt thou emergest a...


Have you ever wondered where a daydream comes from?

This page is dedicated to my inspirations, thoughts, strange things that I find interesting, or feelings.
I hope you enjoy them:)
One inspiration is a poem that I wrote called "Time". There are other things and they are yet to come. I apologize for the simpleness of this page.

Now you can read Monty Python's famous Crunchy Frog skit!

Or you can read about the dead parrot in the pet shop, and listen to the music to the LUMBERJACK SONG while reading the lyrics (sorry I couldn't put them together).

You can see my other page that I have about myself and stuff like that, but it's a little out of date because something's wrong with how I was editing it and stuff... Anyway, you can go there and visit some of my other pages from there, too. Kay? Kay.

Some theories or, rather, rambling ideas, I have thought of...

Drop me a line, OK?
This page was created by Robin Sheldon.

people have been here since April 21st, 1998.

Once again, I'd like to apologize for the simpleness of this page. It is undergoing sever reconstruction. Thank you for your patience. And if you know what to look for, you've found it . A rather cryptic message, huh?
And if you want, you can see an RP in progress.