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Book Clubs


If your book club of ten or more members chooses to read Love Finds You in Humble, Texas, I would be happy to join your group via telephone for a chat about the book.

Here are twelve study questions that might be fun. Download a printable PDF document of the questions. (Link opens a new browser window. Close it to return to this page.)

  1. Even though Trudie and Lane get along well, unresolved events from their youth have them both trapped in a less than honest relationship. Have you ever known that kind of dishonesty—when you pretend with someone you care about that all is well when it isn’t? Outside forces brought the issues to a head and a resolution. If Mason had never come along, how should they have handled the past?
  2. Trudie said nothing to her father after he spent her college money for the jewels in his wife’s crown. What could Trudie have said to stop her father? What was missing in the family? What could they have said or done to rectify the situation? Was there merely a communication problem or was there a deeper issue to resolve?
  3. Trudie was used to giving things up—her college money and her career—and she did so again with Mason. Should she have said more or done more to fight for the feelings she was already having for Mason? Or was it courageous and gracious for Trudie to step aside?
  4. Do you think Lane was really in love with Mason, or do you think there was something else going on? Jealousy? Was Lane merely in love with the idea of being in love? Or do you think there was something else going on?
  5. Why didn’t Trudie fall in love with Wiley, especially since they had so much in common and they got along so well?
  6. Who was your favorite character and why?
  7. Humble, Texas is a town near Houston. Did the setting come to life and seem real to you?
  8. What is the theme that stands out to you the most?
  9. In Jane Austen’s novel Sense and Sensibility the temperaments of two of the sisters are changed at the end of the book. Elinor is able to show her emotions more easily, and Marianne matures enough to temper her passions. Do you think something similar happens to Trudie and Lane through the course of the story? How did Trudie and Lane change?
  10. Do you think Trudie and Mason are well suited to each other? Why?
  11. Have you ever struggled with any of the conflicts that the characters dealt with in the book? Do you think reading fiction helps people to work through real-life conflicts? If so, how?
  12. What was your favorite scene in the novel and why?

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