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About me

Hi there,
So you wanted to know who I am, huh ?
Let me tell you something about myself,
as you already found out , I'm a woman
born in August 1958.
I'm sure you can't see it but ....
I have a Indonesian father and a Dutch mother.
They've got 7 ,one son and six daughters
and I'm the oldest !
Since 1994 married with T ,
he's of Moluccan origine.
We've got a little sunshine together , Anthony
born at March 1997.
Our eldest son Daniel is of my previous marriage.
And he is born at Januari 1982.
I love to computer, it was a present from my darling
for Valentine's day '99 !And it's the best gift ever !!
I became a real addictive !!
But besides computering I love to read books,
shop, and make all kind of creative gifts.
E-mail to my friends all around the world.
And I love to read my guestbook,LOL.
Have a good time exploring my site.
And come back !

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