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t h e . v i s u d d h a . c h a k r a

the information found here comes from chakra therapy, keith richards amazing book .

the fifth chakra is called visuddha , which means "pure" in sanskrit . it extends from the base of the neck by the third cervical vertebra , just below the medula oblongata to a point in the throat by the adam's apple . it is associated with the element akasa , which relates to things ethereal , as well as with hearing and the principle of the sound . it controls the horizontal region of the physical body from the midpoint of the nose to the collar bones . once it is activated , a person becomes conscious of their mental body . we are told in some yogic texts that it represents the intellectual body or vijnanamaya kosa . by this the yogis mean that once the throat chakra is activated , a person is able to seperate the function of the mental body from those of the lower bodies , astral , etheric , and physical . by doing this , a person achieves detachment . the power of understanding increases . clarity is achieved along with a clear perception of dharma . the throat chakra is associated with the color blue . leadbeater suggests that 'its general effect is silvery and gleaming ... as of moonlight upon rippling water" .

by activating the fifth chakra , a person becomes aware for the first time that the internal worlds are real worlds , and that as human beings we exist on the subtle worlds and physical world simultaneously . the throat chakra controls a person's ability to express him/herself fully and creatively . it transmits the intent of a soul (astral and mental bodies) . yogic texts tell us that it controls udana vayu which is the form of prana which permits vocal expression . but udana vayu is more than just speaking . it controls the entire area of the throat , neck and face . and because of this facial expression , gestures and even the amount of personal space a person demands is dependant on udana vayu . thus the chakra is synonymous with personal integrity . once prana can flow through the spine past the throat chakra , a person can stand firm in the face of opposition . s/he can say no . it is because of the throat chakra's unique ability to transmute other forms of human energy into unconditional joy that this becomes possible .

the throat chakra can be likened to a watershed . heavier frequencies of energy , including anger , pain , and fear , moving through it from the lower chakras are automatically transmuted into unconditional joy . all forms of energy from the four lower chakras can be processed and transmuted by the fifth chakra in this way . the energy , after it is transmuted , can be used to nourish the physical and subtle bodies . what's more , any surplus energy will radiate outward filling the enviroment with joy and surrounding the persons whose throat chakra is open with a charismatic glow .

it is by awakening the throat chakra that a person transcends fear . once fear is transmuted , a person can express him/herself completely in all situations . it is then that a person fully understands what the apostle paul meant when he said : "for god hath not given us the spirit of fear , but of power and of love , and of a sound mind" .

c h a k r a s

b a c k

e m a i l . p a n d o r a