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t h e . a n j a . c h a k r a

the information found here is from keith richards excellent book, chakra therapy. buy it!

the sixth chakra is called anja which is sanskrit for command . it is sometimes called shiva netra which means shiva's eye or jnana netra - the eye of wisdom . some classical texts identify it with the pituitary gland . it is located between the eyebrows and is commonly known as the third eye . within the symbolic representation of the anja center is the syllable ohm which represents the beginning and end of all things . it is from this center that a person harmonizs the forces within him/herself and achieves a balance between yin and yang . as the anja center is awakened , reunionbecomes complete and a person experiences him/herself in the fullnes as the 'i am' , the union of selves .

the third eye radiates a deep blue which in the developed personality borders on violet . it functions as the central point where different flows of prana meet and are distributed . the chakra has control over seeing , not only in the physical sense but in the mystical sense of seeing into the higher planes ; intuitive seeing , clairvoyance and the other paranormal forms of knowing . it is the seat of creativity , and when active and open , the seat of divine intelligence . the anja center controls all higher mental activities . this includes intuitive thought , rational thought and memory . intuitive thought includes all forms of paranormal activity .

when the student has activated the third eye , s/he can go beyond merely sensing energy fields and atmospheres . s/he becomes capable of seeing clairvoyantly , communicating telepathically and healing through mental projection . also , through the power of his/her own mind , s/he can create new realities for him/herself on the physical plane . the objective reality we experience in the physical world is the physical manifestation of the subject reality created beforehand on the mental plane . before the sixth chakra becomes active , the process is largely an unconcious one . for persons who have activated their sixth chakra , the process becomes conscious and by the power of their own will and imagination , they can create new realities for themselves which conform of thier dharma and speed them toward their goal of wholeness and unconditional joy .

a person who has activated the sixth chakra goes beyond earthly goals and the earthly attachments which divert most people from fulfilling their dharma . a person who has awakened the anja center experiences the new realities created mentally , being transmuted into physical reality , without delay .

when the sixth chakra is opened , consciousness and unconsciousness merge and whatever gulf there was beforehand is permanently abolished . integration becomes complete and a person sees him/herself as the union of selves . a person in this condition remembers and experiences him/herself at every stage of his/her life from cradle upwards , and s/he remembers all those individual energy fields that combined to create his particular energy field , including those two most important fields "mother and father" . because his/her rememberance is complete , he can go beyond the point of terror , beyond the moment he first experienced seperation from the universal field to a time when there was only union and unconditional love .

c h a k r a s

b a c k

e m a i l . p a n d o r a