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The loved that I craved
I am at your feet
Can’t you see?

The moon is my star
So near, yet so far
Like you are

This love I need to share
With this young man
The truth here is bare

There’s something about the look in your eyes
It reminds me that I am alive

You’re so insecure
And for that there is no cure
It makes me cry
But why
Do I need you so?
By ~Manon B.~*

    This Feeling

I think of him a lot
I can still feel his lips on mine
A feeling so divine
That I have fought

The warmth of his body
Next to mine
Sensuality entwined
I smell and feel his skin

I am calling out
But he cannot hear me
I am reaching out
But he turns away

This thing I feel for him
I don’t know what to do
What do I need to prove?
To be with him
By ~Manon B.~*


There they stood tall and powerful,
By one hateful act,
They were brought down and defeated.

Friends and family we come united as one,
To pray for the loved ones we lost,
In the tragedy of September 11th 2001.
By ~Manon B.~

    My Stolen Heart

When I first saw him,
it was like seeing a mirage,
my eyes could not get used to seeing him,
I fell in love,
My heart was stolen.

I could not look anywhere else,
because he was the man I've always seen in my dreams,
how can a girl forget about her love for a man?

As I was walking towards him,
my heart grew stronger and stronger:
He kept on sending me love signals.
What an idiot I was to believe them!

Another day while looking from a distance,
I realized that he wasn't alone;
another girl was laying in his arms.

As I was watching,
my heart felt crushed by an incredible heartbreak.

Now when I see him,
I think:
I've moved on!
But I haven't really,
because I think of him a lot.
By ~Véronique C. & Manon B.~

    My Love for You

My love is only for you,
but I have but one question,
do you love me too?
I know you do,
you show it to me everyday.
I will always love you,
if you show it to me too.
By ~Manon B.~*

    I Cry

I cry everynight,
waiting for you,
will you ever try,
to love me like you use too?
For now I am lost,
without your love,
I cry.
By ~Manon B.~*


Some laugh,
others cry.
We all need friends,
We cannot look away when someone,
someone is in need of a helping hand.
If everyone would help,
help everyone else,
the world would be a better place to live.
By ~Manon B.~*
To my best friend

I'm glad I got to know you,
When you were still here,
Because I don't know where I'd be,
If I didn't know you.
By ~Manon B.~*

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