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All About Me

My name is Manon.

Nicknames: Manoone; Man; Minon; Minou; Bleuet(Blueberry) because of my eyes; Melanie calls me Manony, just to tease me cuz my name is french.

Born: July 12 in Canada. "Ô Canada!"

Astro Sign: Cancer. It's the crab!
Famous Cancers : Robin Williams, Princess Diana, John Glen, Courtney Love, Rembrandt van Rijn, Twyla Tharp, The Dalai Lama, Antoine de Saint-Exupery, Tom Cruise, Harrison Ford, Henry David Thoreau, Meryl Streep, Kevin Bacon, Sylvester Stallone, Bill Cosby, OJ Simpson, Henry VIII, Louis Armstrong, Ernest Hemingway, Tom Hanks, Julius Caesar.

Piercings and tattoos: 7 peircings! 4 on the left ear and 3 on the right. And I had another on the belly button, but I had to take it out. :o( And I have one tattoo, but I've been wanting to get another one soon.

Motto: Today is tomorrow's yesterday. Make it count!

Hobbies and pastimes: I love listening to music, drawing(people, animals, etc..), writing poetry, shopping and doing excercise in the summer, like biking.

Hair colors that I've had: Yellowish-blond; Strawberry blond; Brown; Light brown; Dark purple; Dark red; Orangy-red; Red; Pink Highlights; "Dark Chocolate"(It turned out almost black the first time we did it!); Light Blond; Brown with a red tint; Dark Chocolate again :o)... More to come!

Fave Groups & Singers: I'll just give you the basics cuz there's way too much. Linkin Park; Darren Hayes (Savage Garden); Dido; Incubus; Enya; Chicane; Our Lady Peace; Satan's Night Out(The Vampire Lestat*); Sugar Ray; No Doubt; Brandy; Blink-182; etc....

My Friends: ISABELLE... well well well, you're the most incredible friend I have ever had. There's no one that will ever compare to you or the friendship we have. Even though you're far away, it doens't meen I'll forget you cuz I really won't! LILA, we probably didn't get to hang out a lot when you and I were in F'ton, but you've been a good friend. And when I get the chance to go to Montreal, we gotta meet up. Reach for that dream! :o) VÉRONIQUE C., man we had some pretty f****ed up wild times, but it's all good! You were so fun to hang out with and I miss that! JASMINE, the more time I spend with you the more fun we have! Hope we get to do a lot of crazy things in the futur! :o) MINH, one day, we'll get to see each other... imagine the shit we'll get into. LOL!

Send me your suggestions and I'll do my best to do whatever it is you said. Send it all here: