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Cead Mille Failte

(A Thousand Welcomes)

My Irish Roots

This page last updated 19 June 2009

My maiden name was Jean Elizabeth Brewster and I am the only child of Leslie Brewster and Elizabeth Monro, grand-daughter of David Henry Brewster and Edith Esther Bower, and the great-grand-daughter of David Brewster and Sarah Jane Montgomery.

This site is my attempt at a Webpage tracing my Irish Roots. I will not be entering any identifying information on persons who are still living, other than their names, unless I have their permission to do so, or the information is already available on the internet. I may have to start listing birth years to keep everyone straight as there are a number of duplicate names. If you find that I have two dates for the same event it is because I got them from two different sources and have not yet confirmed which is in error.

This site is always under construction as I find new information or confirm discrepancies. Please let me know if you find anything that is not correct so that I may check it out.

My site is dedicated to the memory of my aunt Margaret Brewster Cowan Newson, whose original research and family history back in 1975 started me on my Brewster genealogical search.

My thanks are extended to the following family members who are also researching and have shared information:

I hope you find something of interest to you and would love to have your comments. If you are in contact with any family members who might be able to add more information I would appreciate email or snail mail addresses so I could contact them.

Thanks also to an email contact in Ballyshannon who contacted the only Protestant Church there, and to the Rector's Warden of the Church who diligently checked all the records they had for information on the Brewster Family. There were some early records for Brewster's but to date have not been able to make connections to my Brewster Family. Since the fire in Dublin in 1922 destroyed all public records, this is one of the only recourses in finding early records. I have also found some information on that may or may not be my Brewster family due to conflicting dates. (See updated information further down).

I have added a guest book to this webpage and hope you will sign in and leave your comments. You can also leave a contact e-mail address in a second message that can be designated as private.

HELP!! I really would like to add a photo album of our early ancestors, but I could sure use some help. Does anyone have any pictures they could scan and send to me. I do have a photo of Sarah Jane Montgomery Brewster and also pictures of some of her children. If anyone has old photos please contact me. Another idea I have is a Wedding Album. I would also like photos of any gravestones and information as to where the cemeteries are located.


Brewster, Graydon Eldon, on 18 July 2008, the last of the children of Myles and Mary Jane Brewster, on the Robert John Brewster line.

Brewster, William Raymond (age 99), on 1 January 2008, son of Robert John Brewster and Florence May Dougherty.

Edward Harrington Smith, on July 17, 2007, husband of Judith (McElhiney)Smith.

Brewster, Haldon Edward, on 3 February 2007, son of Myles and Mary Jane Brewster, on the Robert John Brewster line.

James Evans, husband of Shannon Stewart-Evans.

Renee Ann (Engelberts) Gillis, on August 14, 2006, age 50, in Windsor, Ontario. Renee was the 2nd great-granddaughter of David and Sarah, through the Robert John Brewster Line. I only met Renee over the internet but she was so willing to help with information. Link to obituary.

Keegan Scott Stewart-Evans (age 10) and Tieran Thane Stewart-Evans (age 6) on August 25, 2006, accidentally in Ohio. Sons of James Evans and Shannon Stewart-Evans. They were 4th great-grandsons of David & Sarah through the Robert John Brewster Line.


James Chagnon and Michelle Duncan - August 9, 2008
Kelly Chagnon and Jesse Cotie - August 11, 2006
Dave MacElhiney and Christie Fry - August 7, 2004
Amy MacElhiney and Fernando Gonzalez - July 24, 2004


MALCOLM WILLIAM JAMES, son of Kelly Chagnon & Jesse Cotie
CODY PETER, son of Michelle Brewster & James Oruski
MANUEL FERNANDO, son of Amy MacElhiney & Fernando Gonzales
KAYLEE INARA, daughter of Kelly Chagnon & Jesse Cotie
ANGLELINA MARY-CLAIRE, daughter of Beth MacElhiney & Dave Venuti
KELLY LYN, daughter of Amy MacElhiney & Fernando Gonzalez
MARGARET LYNNE, daughter of Paul & Kim Doncaster
COLE THOMAS, son of Michelle Brewster and James Oruski
DANIEL JOSEPH, son of Jill Doncaster and Daniel DiMare
DANIEL RICHARD, son of Shirley MacElhiney & Richard Rennie
ALYSSA ROSE, daughter of Jessica Swanfeldt and Robert Caruso
KATHRYN CLAIRE, daughter of Craig and Kathy MacElhiney

The Brewsters and Montgomerys

The Beginning:

During and shortly after the Famine in Ireland many families emigrated to other parts of the world to get a new start. Two families - the Brewsters and the Montgomerys - left Ireland and settled in Canada.

Both these families settled in Glassville, Carleton County, New Brunswick. Twice on a bus trip I was chaperoning (August 2003) from Winnipeg, Manitoba to Halifax, Nova Scotia, we travelled within a couple of miles of Glassville. On the bus were 5 descendants of David Brewster and Sarah Jane Montgomery (2 great-granddaughters, 1 great-great-grandaughter, and 2 great-great-great-granddaughters). I was disappointed in not being able to stop, but it has whetted my appetite to return and spend some time in the area. I can certainly see why the area would have been reminicent of the green hills of Ireland to both these families.

The Brewster Family

The Brewster family arrived first. According to records they sailed out of Derry (Londonderry), County Donegal, Ireland on the Soflide in 1852, landing in St. John, New Brunswick. They were entered as Robert, George and Fanny (no ages listed), David (11) and John (5), and their residence was given as Ballyshannon, which is in County Donegal, Ireland. I have been told it was customary to list them from the eldest to the youngest. Earlier family research indicated that they spent some time in Golden Grove, New Brunswick, a small community near St. John, before settling in Glassville, New Brunswick. At the present time I have been unable to confirm the relationship of the first three to David and John. Census records from 1861 for Golden Grove were destroyed and I can find no record of Robert or John in the Carleton County census of 1871. George is listed as a Widower in 1871 census records and Fanny is listed as single. George does not show up in the 1881 Census record, so presume he died between 1871 and 1881 and Fanny is listed as Frances.

George and David Brewster are on record in the Land Grant Data Base of New Brunswick receiving several grants of 100 acres each during the period of 1866 to 1875 all located in Aberdeen Parish.

David is recorded as marrying Sarah Jane Montgomery on 20 September 1866 in Aberdeen Parish, Carleton County, New Brunswick. The marriage was performed by Gideon Estabrooks, Baptist Minister, Simonds, and witnesses were Hugh Miller and John F. Joyner. (It is curious that the presiding Minister was Baptist and in census records they are listed as Church of Ireland or in one as Church of England).

The 1871 Census of Glassville indicates that David and Sarah, along with their 3 eldest children, were living in the same household as George and Fanny. Ages given at the time of census was David age 27, George age 55, Fanny age 53. There was no listing of Robert, or David's younger brother John.

In the book "Northern Carleton County Cemeteries, Vol. 1", written by a Mr. George Hayward, Sarah Brewster is listed as being buried in the Glassville United Church Cemetery. Sarah's grave has no stone, but the fact that Sarah was buried there was provided by the caretaker of the cemetery at the time it was inventoried. The caretaker was Murray McIntosh of Glassville, and the cemetery was inventoried on 30 August 1987. Without a stone, the grave would be "lost" if Mr. McIntosh did not have it written that Sarah was buried there. It seems likely that David may also be there, but it was never written down. I have also not been able to locate any information on George. The last Census to record George was in 1871, at age 55, so presume he died between 1871 and 1881.

The following is courtesy of the Carleton County Historical Society who were able to find the obituary for Sarah Jane in The Press dated 27 September 1910. "Mrs. David Brewster of West Glassville, passed to her rest on the evening of September 15th. Mrs. Brewster was a member of the Episcopal church, a good Episcopal, hospitable and kind. She leaves a sorrowing husband and family and a large circle of relatives and friends who will long cherish her memory. A very largely attended funeral service conducted on Sunday afternoon by Rev. F. W. Murray."

I have now confirmed the death of David Brewster as listed in the Provincial Archives of New Brunswick (PANB) on 9 August 1914 at the age of 72.

I have also found 2 records in PANB listing the death of Fannie Brewster on 11 May 1888 in West Glassville, at the age of 76. This would make her born about 1812, yet the 1871 Census gave her age as 53 which would suggest she was born in 1818. One PANB record lists place of birth as Ireland, but the other lists place of birth as Ireland-Armanagh. This presents another question as to where this family resided in Ireland as Armanagh (Northern Ireland) is a different county than Donegal (Ireland). Update: See Fanny's obit - gives birth in Fermanagh, also age as 88 (making her born 1800).

With this further information it leads me to believe that Robert came to Canada with his son George, a widower, and his daughter Frances (Fannie), a spinster, along with George's two children, David and John.

CONFIRMATION A new database has been added at the Provincial Archives of New Brunswick listing vital statistic data from the early newspapers, a project of Daniel F. Johnson. In this database I was able to find the obituary for Fanny Brewster which confirms that she is the sister to George, and that David is George's son. Fanny's age (88 making her born in 1800)in the obit does not agree with the Provincial Death records (76) or Census records, but I have found many errors in ages and dates of birth in my research. It also lists Fannie's birth as being in Fermanagh. Fanny's obit also gives us further insight into the reasons for this family leaving Ireland other than the famine, and knowledge about their lives in Ireland.

Link to Fanny Brewster's Obit

Census records only reveal what the census taker was told and many people gave incorrect information to them (especially their ages). From the 1871 Census George is two years older than Fannie. This also makes the records at looking more like this may be the right family, even though the years of birth don't match, there is still a two year difference in their ages. Also there seems to be a pattern in the naming of the children (Parents Robert Brewster and Margaret Johnson, with children, George, Frances and Eliza). (FamilySearch also turned up another record of parents David Brewster and Frances Miller, with children Anne Jane, Elizabeth and John.) FamilySearch does not give any indication as to where they got this information - HOWEVER - I have also located a website of Church records in Ireland listing baptisms and marriages in an area very close to Ballyshannon in InishmacSaint in Co. Fermanagh where I found information that matches that of the information on FamilySearch, plus additional information on Brewster families that may also tie into our family line.

Link to Possible Early Family Information

Link to David and Sarah Jane Brewster's Family

The Montgomery Family

The Montgomery family left Ireland on 12 June 1856 on the Mary Ann , a ship of 405 tons of the J.J. Cooke Line out of Londonderry. They arrived in St. John, New Brunswick July/August 1856. The ship records listed their residence as Strabane, County Tyrone, Ireland. This family was listed as Robert (42), Margaret (42), and children Mary (22), Isabella (16), John (13), Sarah Jane (9) and Robert (6). An internet contact in Strabane has advised me that there are no longer any family by the name of Montgomery in the Strabane area. Another source has advised me that at one time England had tried to "dilute the Catholic population in Northern Ireland" by sending settlers from Scotland. Perhaps the Montgomery's originally were part of this as Montgomery is more likely a "Scottish" name.

Passenger list of the Mary Ann showing the Montgomery's as passengers numbers 153 to 159.

History of Scots-Irish with reference to the name Montgomery.

The 1871 Census of Glassville, lists Robert and Margaret both age 60 with Robert Jr. now age 21. Robert Sr. is listed as a farmer. Another household in Glassville lists John age 26 and his family. John is listed as a labourer.

Mr. Hayward's book lists Margaret's death as 5 November 1885 at age 77, and Robert's death as 10 November 1896, in his 85th year. Both are buried in the Glassville United Church Cemetery. Note: There is another record at PANB listing Robert's death as 11 December 1896, age 84.

I have been unable to locate anything on the eldest daughter Mary other than she was born about 1834 in Ireland. I presume she was married by 1871.

Isabella was born 20 June 1839 (1901 CDN Census) in Ireland. Glassville United Church Cemetery has record of Plot #331 Boyle, Isabella (1840-1918). There is no stone and the information was provided by the cemetery curator. (Information on this line courtesy of Jennie-Grace Fisher.)

Link to Robert and Isabella Boyle's Family

John Montgomery was born about 1845 in Ireland. He married Letitia Gillan on 1 April 1867 in Carleton Co., NB. Letitia was born in Glassville. In the 1871 Census, Glassville, Carleton Co., Letitia is listed age 25, Presbyterian, Irish. Therefore presume she was born about 1846. John was granted 100 acres in 1877 in Aberdeen Parish. John died 13 May 1906 in Virginia, USA and both he and Letitia are buried in Emporium, Pennsylvania. (Further information on this line courtesy of Janet Burton Carroll - John's gggrandaughter).

Link to John and Letitia Montgomery's Family

Robert David Montgomery was born 20 April 1850 (1901 CDN Census)in Ireland and married Charlotte Johnston on 4 January 1873 in Carleton Co., New Brunswick and died in 1920. He is buried in the United Church Cemetery, Glassville, NB #146. Charlotte was born 21 September 1857 (1901 CDN Census) and died in 1914 in Glassville and is also buried in the same plot. Vital Records for New Brunswick variously listed Charlotte's last name as Johnston, Johnson, and Johnstone. Robert is listed in the Land Grant Database as receiving 100 acres in 1867 in Aberdeen Parish. The 1901 Census lists Robert as a butcher and Charlotte as being born in 1857, Irish and coming to Canada in 1866. (Further information on this line is courtesy of the late Jennie-Grace Fisher, Robert's gggrandaughter and Floyd Rideout, Robert's gggrandson both through the William James Montgomery line).

Link to Robert and Charlotte Montgomery's Family

My Genealogy Links:

New Brunwick Provincial Archives On-Line Research
Carleton County GenWeb Project
Maine Vital Records Page

Other Interesting Links:

Land Grant Images:

Link to Cadastral Map Glassville 1
Shows George Brewster's two grants (#13 & #17 Block G) of land and two of David Brewster's grants (#15 & #18 Block G). Also shows part of grant for R. Montgomery (right side half way down #32 Range 2).

Link to Cadastral Map Glassville 2
Shows David Brewster's 3rd parcel of 100 acres, on left side near bottom.(#34 Block G). Also shows grant for J. Montgomery. (#40 Block G).

Link to Cadastral Map Knowlesville
Shows other half of R. Montgomery's grant. Also shows grant of Robert Boyle (a neighbour) (#42 Range 3) who could be Isabella Montgomery's husband.

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