Welcome to the circle of shadows.

This site may never hold anything of actual intrest to anyone, however as every other internet site is in the same situation i guess it might intrest someone.
The site will soon host to some fiction im writing im posting so a friend can check it, although it isn’t ready to be read yet and i have to break for uni exams knock yourselves out if you wish to read.

Circle 1 My poetry
Circle 2 for fanfiction created by outhers
Circle 3 is a colection of Willow/Vamp willow fiction.
Circle 4 is about me... for the really bored.
Circle 5 Fantsey Fiction im starting click to read a definition. (New)
Circle 6 is a load of intresting(?) quotes (New)
To send me fanfiction or pictures big or small e:mail me!

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