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J. Morris :: Links
Philosophical musings and topics Enter the inner world and preferences of JM. Professional and personal projects of Josh Morris. Links to software, reference, humor.

Good Free Software

windows AutoIT is a software package and scripting language for automating Windows tasks. It is extremely useful and powerful. See some of my projects using AutoIT. -

windowsmac Handbrake is a great DVD to MPEG-4 converter with a large number of options and presets. This is useful if you want to store movies as single files or transfer your DVDs to your iPod. -

windowsmaclinux GIMP, the GNU Image Manipulation Program, is a very robust image editing program that is just as powerful as anything else out there. I've been migrating to this for my advanced image editing needs, especially as I've tried my hand at tricker things such as reflections, spheres, and lighting. The interface has multiple windows which requires a lot of flipping back and forth but it certainly gets things done. -

windowsmaclinux FileZilla is an FTP program that is easy to use and continuously updated. -

windowsmaclinux JDiskReport helps one swiftly determine where all of your used hard drive space is being consumed. With colored easy to interpret pie charts and click down directories, this can help you pin point why you can't store anymore movies. There is also a web version that is platform independent. -

updated: 3/16/16

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