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In this work an infrastructure information system was planned for Yildiz Technical University. So the main object was to adapt the university to technology and make the university much modern.

With the big innovations in the technology, life is becoming easier but same time becoming harder, if you don't have the new utilities of technology. This situation produce a big need for institutions, especially. Most of them as bigger as a town (e.g. universities). So there could be so much problems inside them (e.g. administrative, technical).  Problems should be solved as soon as possible for not to obstruct the ordinary works and disturb the people. So technology is only way to solve problems in such institutions.

Yildiz Technical University is a big institution like told above. Population of university is approximately 17.000 and consist of three big campuses; Besiktas(Yildiz-Main Campus), Maslak and Sisli. So there are a lot of problems (administrative, technical, etc.) occure inside it.There is a Construction Office to so solve such problems. But engineers and technicians use classic ways to solve problems, especially for infrastructure. And the datas are not actual. This is a big problem also.

With this work it's aimed to determine the problems for infrastructure as soon as possible, to gain speed to reperations, to save the money, time and working-power. TABIS was designed for solving infrastructural problems about:

TABIS was designed and produced by me (Serdar Bora Sayin) and Mehmet Kece. While we were working on it, we met some problems, but one of them was very important: The datas which we collected from archieves were not actual and digital. So we had to actualize them by digitizing on the plans. It took most of time that we spend for this work. We tried to use standart signs and sembols to make the work clear for anybody.

We used some softwares like;  ESRI's ArcView (Release 3.0) as GIS software and Bentley's MicroStation (Release 95) as CAD software. ArcView is an user-friend application software that anybody (Related with GIS) can use it easily with its flexible and dynamic data structure. It can read CAD files easily like some database files (DBase, Info, etc.). Editing on the CAD files is possible by converting them into .shp(shape) files. Also with this software you can create beatiful layouts and make queries on the datas. It has a macro language named "Avenue" to make itself more flexible.

Bentley's MicroStation is a powerful and flexible CAD software also. We used it for basic drawings and digitizing. It is suitable or two and three dimensioned designs. It can work with some databases (ODBC, Sybase, Oracle, etc.). And it is possible to data transfer with no losses.

There is some examples from the project (In Turkish Only):

Querying by using Query Builder Function                                                                Querying by using Select Button


Layout of Sewerage Utility

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