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Concert Photos - 6/26/01

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Here are some photos I personally took at an *NSYNC concert on June 26, 2001.
All of these are from the PopOdyssey Tour. Enjoy, but please don't take any of them without my permission! :-)

This picture is of Tonya Mitchell and her back-up dancers. She performed three songs (I think).
This is a second picture of Tonya and her dancers.

Note: My seat got mixed up, so for this part of the show I had a seat two sections farther back than I was supposed to. The rest of my pics are from my good seat.

Eden's Crush performed, but I didn't get any photos of them. It's a loooong story, but I was changing seats while they perfomed.

Anyway, this photo is of 3LW. They were performing "Playas Gon' Play."

This is my second picture of 3LW. I think they performed four songs in all: Playas Gon' Play, I can't remember!, Gettin Too Heavy, and No More.

Here's my last picture of 3LW. They did a good set, and their back-up dancers were cool.
This is a picture I took during the 30 minute wait between 3LW and *NSYNC. I knew the *NSYNCers were going to come out of this glass pyramid to start the show, so I kept looking up there to try to see the guys getting in. I decided to take a pic of it while the stadium lights were still up. :-)

Note: I know you can't see it in the photo, but their stage manager, Anthony Giordano (the guy who JC says beats them if they're late on the Making The Tour video), is sitting on the steps (the guy in the middle) by the pyramid.

Woohoo, the *NSYNC band is coming out! Can you tell I was anxious for the concert to start? When I saw them coming out to set up, I took a picture of them. The only band member you can see in the photo is Rubin Ruiz, their guitar player.
Joey! As an old teacher! *lol* He looked so funny, I started laughing. He wrote "Pop" on the chalkboard behind him, and talked a little bit. Then he added "Dirty" in front of "Pop", so it said "Dirty Pop." Go Joey! :-)
Ack, yet another picture of the big screen that didn't turn out very well! This was a cool pic of the guys. They were all "punked/dirty popped" up. *lol*

I'm pretty sure it goes, left to right: Lance, Joey, Justin, Chris, & JC.

*NSYNC is here! Those monks on the main stage didn't throw me off a bit. The girls behind me kept looking at me like I was crazy, because even though there were 5 people on stage, I kept my eyes locked on the glass pyramid. :-) I got this photo as soon as the pyramid opened!

I also got a great pic of that girl's arm. *lol*

The guys are still singing "Pop". (Do you recognize the choreography? It's right after they go "This must be... Pop!")
The guys made their way up the catwalk & to the main stage. After they stripped off their coats & shirts, JC started coming over to my side of the stage, so I quickly took a picture of him. :-)
Joey came over to my side (kinda)! I took a photo of him, too. You can't read his shirt in the pic, but it says "PLAYER". *lol*
Hey Lance! :-) I really wanted to take good photos of all of the guys, so every time they came near to my side I took pics of them.

Note: I think this is still "Pop".

Here's a photo of all of the guys performing "Tearin" Up My Heart". It seemed similiar to they way they performed it at the 1999 MTV Video Music Awards.
Here is an interesting photo. *lol* The guy turning around on the right is JC, and the leg & partial body of the guy on the left is Chris.

Note: My camera has a delay, so a lot of times when I pushed the button to take the photo, the guys turned or moved before it took the pic!

Here's another blurry picture of Chris during "I Want You Back". And on the big screen behind him is an old picture of Joey.
Here's a photo of all of the guys performing "I Want You Back". From left to right: Joey, Lance (Justin's behind him, & JC's behind Justin), and Chris. On the big screen behind them is an old photo of Chris.
Nice picture! *lol* This is right after they finished "I Want You Back". (So that's why they're all turned around.)
I think Lance talked a little bit to the crowd right before this photo. The guys rose up on pedestals for "God Must Have Spent." Like the photo a couple pics ago, it goes left to right: Joey, Lance (Justin's behind Lance & JC's behind Justin), and Chris.

[Concert Pictures - Page 2]

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