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Concert Photos - 6/26/01

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Here is the second page of photos I personally took at an *NSYNC concert on June 26, 2001.
All of these are from the PopOdyssey Tour. Enjoy, but please don't take any of them without my permission! :-)

Here is Chris during "God Must Have Spent". Why did he have to put his hand over his face? *lol*
Here's a nice photo of Lance during "God Must Have Spent". The stage was kinda high, so some of my pics have the railing going through the guys' faces. :-( But he had a nice smile on his face, even if you can't see it in the photo.
Where are you going, guys? Left to right: Justin, Joey, JC, & Lance. I think Chris was still on the stage in front of me. The other guys were walking on the conveyor belt back to the main stage.

I'm pretty sure this is still during "God Must Have Spent".

Right before this song, the center section of the main jumbo screen folded down, and out came *NSYNC! They came out on a little shelf-like thing down the ramp. This is the beginning of the song "Just The Two Of Us".

Here's JC again. He was almost always moving when I wanted to take a photo of him! You'll see in my pictures of him later that most of them are blurry, too.

This is still during "Just The Two Of Us".

There they go! They all piled back onto the shelf-thing and went back up the ramp at the end of JT2OU.

The choreography for this song is funny. When they sing the words "Just The Two Of Us," they do this weird thing (holding up 2 fingers, etc.) with their hands. *lol*

Lance & Chris as cowboys! :-) Lance went completely into his southern accent during this sketch; it was so funny! Anyway, Lance & Chris talked about coming into town, eating at McDonald's (that McDonald guy makes some good food! *lol*), and finding out how they like music.
Here are all of the *NSYNCers in their cowboys costumes. This sketch was the intro for "Space Cowboy".

Left to right: Justin, Chris, Joey, JC, & Lance.

They can fly! They can fly! *lol* To start off "Space Cowboy", they flew out from the main stage to the center, smaller stage. Their flying rigs are new this tour - the wires are shorter and the actual rigs are bigger. Lance held onto his like he was hanging from it, and JC pretended he was Superman (Joey!?!?! *lol*).

From left to right (farthest away to closest): Justin, Joey(?), JC, Chris(?), and Lance.

I took this photo after they "landed" on the small center stage. They're still singing "Space Cowboy".
Ride 'em, cowboys! After the guys made their way back to the main stage, they all got on futuristic-looking mechanical bulls. They're still performing "Space Cowboy".
This picture is a little better than the last one. From left to right: Joey, Chris, & Lance.
Here's an even better picture of the bulls. JC & Justin were behind Lance, Chris, and Joey, so I couldn't really get a good picture of them on the bulls. :-(
This photo shows the guys while they were singing "This I Promise You." They did the song the way they performed it on the 2001 Grammy Awards. The harmonies were a little different than the normal version of the song, and it sounded really good.

From left to right, it's Lance, Justin, JC, Chris, & Joey.

Chris, look at me! *lol* Here's a pic of Chris when the *NSYNCers were singing "This I Promise You".

Note: There was a little girl next to me, and every single *NSYNC guy waved & smiled at her! And I know every fan says this, but each of the guys saw me at least once. :-) There was no one between me & the stage! (I still can't believe how good my seat was)

Here's a photo of Joey during "This I Promise You". He looks so sad! :-(
I zoomed way out to get Chris & Joey in the same photo. This is still during TIPY. On the big screen behind them, you can see the candles fading to JC.
Aww, all of the guys together at the end of TIPY. They are all such great singers! :-)
Justin, what's wrong?? *lol* I took this pic during the sketch before "Gone". The sketch was in the silent-movie style, complete with the 1920's music and captions for when the guys talked.
This photo is still during the sketch for "Gone". I won't give a full-length description of the short film, but here's the short story: Boy (Justin) meets girl, boy falls in love with girl, girl doesn't love boy, boy's friends (*NSYNC) try to cheer him up, but boy stays depressed.

I'll try to describe where each guy is in the photo. Justin is sitting on the bottom step. Joey is "attacking" Lance to the left of Justin (they were trying to cheer Justin up). Chris is standing on the top step, and JC is standing on the right side of the steps.

[Concert Pictures - Page 3]

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