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This is Gor,

Gor is not fair,

Gor is not just

It doesn't have to be.....For it is Gor.

The following are some very good survival tips for when you visit Gor,

Consider these as 13 survival tips...
Though not necessarily being the rules of the Homestones in all aspects,
knowing these rules when traveling to other gorean places,
just may keep you out of trouble.

1.Greet all Freeperson's with Master/Mistress, if the gender
cannot be determined by the nick, use Master till corrected.
Apologize profusely, and then make note.

2.While Freeperson's are NOT always right, they are by
defination, NEVER Wrong, therefore slave'svdo not argue with a
Freeperson, they have the last two words in any disagreement
...those being "Yes Master".

3.Slaves have no rights,
you have nothing not given you by a Master.
Your name is not your own, it can be changed at any time.
Any items given to you by a Master, can just as easily be taken from you,
if you are entrusted to carry the name of an Owner, silks, jewlery,
guard them carefully and with your life.

4.The merest whim of your Owner is your highest law.
The collar entrusted to you carries the honor of your Owner,
you and you alone,
can make it as light or as heavy as you wish it to be.

5.Jealousy and possessiveness
of one's owner has killed more slaves than disobedience.
The Master's actions are unquestionable.

6.Slaves are forbidden to message any Master or Mistress
without first seeking permission in the
open room.
Failure to do so could result in the slave being whipped.

7.Slaves who "entice" with slave heat, should be prepared to act upon such actions.
Slave heat should NOT be used
unless the slave truly wishes to "entice" the Master.
If you show it, be prepared to use it.

8.Slave's are not permitted to enter into the conversation's of the Freeperson's
if you wish to converse with your sister's do so in msg's ....

9.Slaves are not to touch any form of weaponry...
this even includes a kitchen knife...
slaves are not allowed to touch coins...
each of these items can carry the penalty of death for a slave.

10.Slaves are slaves , to be caught as a Freeperson,
or under a nick, or uncollared under another nick,
could result in death for a slave,
or at bare mininum.. branded a traitor(ess) to Gor.

11.Slaves are to be pleasing at all times,
there is no room for PMS, or bad moods.
If your not up to being pleasing,
do not enter the channels.
Excellence and perfection in a slave is the goal,
only that will be tolerated.

12.Slaves are to speak in the 3rd person speech.
Slaves do not have the words "I", "me" or "mine" in their vocabulary

Another Set of Standard Rules

to help you while you visit other Gorean rooms

1.Permission may not always be needed to enter a Gorean Rooms,
but permission to leave is always required.
Permission is also needed to go AFK (away from keyboard)
but if your going to be longer than just a minute or two,
it is best to ask to leave the channel.
If a slave is unsure as to whether permission to enter is needed,
please msg a sister already on the page, and ask.

2.Popups and Macro's are forbidden .
It is to the slave's advantage
to continually type out your service, leaves room for creativity,
charm and wit, which are rewarded in the end.

3.Slaves cannot serve more than one Master at a time,
Greeting new arrivals while serving a Freeperson is also forbidden.
Finish your serving,
then greet the new arrivals accordingly.
Remember the Freeperson is your top priority.

4.Slaves cannot be forced into any alcove ...
nor can a slave be forced into a a NCZ
if a slave feels overwhelmed by a Freeperson's advances contact the Master of the Homestone
or post the problem to the room.

5.Fidgeting and laziness are not pleasing.
Idle slaves are not pleasing.
If your not serving a Freeperson busy yourself with cooking, cleaning,
or speak to your sisters in msg's and learn more of GOR.

6.In regards to slave heat,
new slaves to GOR should NOT
use "slave heat" in their serves.
Learn the rooms rules regarding such by observation
or speaking to the other slaves in the room if in doubt.
IF a slave choses to use "slave heat"
in their service to a Freeperson then be prepared to use it as a slave.

7.Visiting other Tavern/Inn's
carries the weight and risk of those places, be cautious.

8.Slaves are to be pleasing at all times.
Your life on GOR depends greatly on it.
The slave should always be in good spirits
and ready to serve upon demand.

9.Slaves think before reacting to any situation.
What occurs is between Freepersons.
It concerns no slave, unless the slave has been found displeasing.

10.GOR is NOT fair. GOR is NOT just.

| Warriors of Gor |
| Master Rob's Homestone |
| Master Rob's Brother of the Sword Master Lexitus' Homestone |
| Lady Blazes Homestone |
| City of Turia |
| Names for kajira A to L |
| Names for kajira M to X|
| Quotes From the Scrolls|
What is a slave |
| Pools of Turia |
| Gorean food and drinks |
| Gorean serves how to |
| Types of Gorean slaves |
| marbro-RM's dance of need|
| salatka-RM's need dance|
| The Panther Girls of the Forest |
| Quotes on Gorean kajira |
| Free Women of Gor|
| kajirae Gardens|
Gorean and non-Gorean Av pages

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