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The Charming Site



STORY . . .

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ABOUT the WEB . . .


Charmed Schedule


Wednesday, 8:00 P.M. Star World, Channel 36 (Or. Mindoro)

(SW) Replay . . . 

11:30 P.M., Wednesday and Thursday 2:00 A.M. & 11:00 A.M.

Every Monday, 9:00 P.M., Studio 23, Channel 23

(S23) Replay . . .




 The Webmaster 


Hello! It's me, your great and the best Webmaster ever born in the World History (No offend to others)

I'm . . .

Kathleen Ilagan Runas

Also Known As


the web wizard


Here are my Profiles . . .


Name: Kathleen Ilagan - Runas

    >First Name: Kathleen

    >Middle Name: Ilagan (My Mother's Maiden Name)

    >Last Name: Runas (My Father's Surname)

    >Nick Name: "CaCaY" the Great (Cacay Lang)

            >Age: 15 yrs.

            >DOB: July 21, 1988

            >Address: #040 . . .  Uh, Never mind . <wag na Lang>

            >Contact No.: (043) ***-**** . . . private

            >Citizenship: Filipino


Others . . .


>School Level: Secondary (It's High School <High School yun!>)

>Year Level: Fourth Year (Hey! I'll graduate <Gra-graduate na ako!>)

>School: Divine Word College of Calapan

>School Address: Tibag, Calapan City, Oriental Mindoro, Philippines 5200

dwccfacade.jpg (44478 bytes) <<< That's my school <School ko yan>, (click to enlarge)


Hey! See me with my friends . . .


dwcc_san_cay_tan1.jpg (38040 bytes)


dwcc_cacay&co..jpg (31438 bytes)


That's me at the center with my sister, Ate Sandra (left) and a friend Christian/TanTan (right)

=> Me at Parents Day <=

It's me again at the center. Here are some my friends. -left to right- Honey, Christian or Tan Tan  Kristelle or Itey, and Jocelyn or Jho (the half-face girl at the side)

=> Friends at Uniform c",) <=


My Favorites . . .


    >Harry Potter the Boy Who Lived

    >Charmed the Power of Three


    >Buffy the Vampire Slayer


My Achievements . . . 


    > 1st Place Slogan Making Contest (1st Youth Leadership Summit) 2003

    > 2nd Place Logo Making Contest – Student Coordinating Body  2003

    > Academics Coordinator – Family 3 (KABISIG) Hischolympics 2003

    > 1st Youth Leadership Summit – DWCC Delegate (2nd Place) 2003

    > CAT – 1 Officer Ass’t Sqd. Ldr. (Office Personnel) 2003

    > 1st Place Logo Making Contest – Science Club 2003

    > 2nd Place Anime Drawing Contest – Arts Club 2002

    > Placard Contest – Fight Against Drugs Rally 2003

    > 3rd Place Math Quiz Bee – Hischolympics 2003

    > 4th Place Math Quiz Bee- Hischolympics 2002

    > Class Officer (Sgt. At Arms) IV St. John 2003

    > Logo Making Contest – Science Club 2002

    > MIMAROPA Logo Making Contest 2003

    > 4th Place Science Quiz Bee 2003

Want to learn more and see more pictures of me and my Friends? Then visit our website at  


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*Tagalog* - the language used by most Filipinos