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mad god's Tiny Hut


Бегущий Город

Бегущий Город

The site is gradually moving to place!

So consider updating your links.

Site Resources

*Cosmic Forge* is not available for download from here anymore. New versions of it are and will be avaialble from here: New 'Tiny Hut' site.

Wizardry 7 Gold Walkthrough by Troy Taylor (345k)

Wizardry 7 Gold Sound Pack by Der-Rabe (7.8 mb)

Wizardry 7 Gold German Version by Der-Rabe (589k)

mad god's Mod for Wizardry 7
(last updated: 09, July, 2007)

Dedicated to AD&D (russian song) (1.95mb)

My mail is (remove all & and # from it, sorry for inconvenience): spe#rshi&n@#ho#tm&ai#l.c#o&m

Other stuff

Wizardry 7 DOS Partial Version (only binaries & scenario files) (460k)
You will require sound and graphic files in addition to this archive to play the game.

Wizardry 7 DOS Partial Version (only sound & graphic files) (1.61M)
You will require binaries and scenario files in addition to this archive to play the game.

Wizardry 7 DOS Partial Russian Version (only essential files) (307k)
You will require full playable english (or german) version in addition to this archive to play the game. To install russian version just unpack the archive into the already installed english (or german) game directory overwriting all conflicting files.

STI Editor (748k)
STI Viewer (270k)


Angelfire - Free Home Pages
Greatest RPG Fans Forum
Flamestryke's Home Page
Wizardry Fan Page by Snafaru
Another Wizardry Fan Page
The Adventurers' Guild (Ultimate Bard's Tale Resource)

Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. Please come back and visit again!


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