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Well, it  has been a crazy five weeks and I can't believe that it is finally over . I am now back in the real world. It's pretty sad. It's not that I am unhappy living in a town with the fattest people per capita .   It's just the fact that  I have come to the realization that there will be no Pif or Belleview this Friday night.  Oh well, maybe next summer. Until then I have posted some pics. Oh yeah, a funny thing happened the other day.  I was standing in line at Wal-Mart (yes I do shop at Wal-Mart- Asshole!) and there was a big  woman standing in front of me with her white trash 19 year old daughter. Her daughter had just bought a box of Kellogg's cornflakes called banana crunch… mmm. Well anyways,  the big woman looks at the box then looks at her daughter and blurts out .." Sandra….how those banana's going to keep in that box, they're gonna go rotten. Sandra...ask the lady at the counter how those banana's are supposed to keep.." yup I just sort of laughed to myself and didn't have the heart to tell her that  the banana's were dehydrated.

-Now, below is a link to find tons of pics.