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Welcome to the Hogwarts:School of Magic Homepage

Our Info

Common Rooms
back to the guild
Potions-Class closed Teacher Needed
Transfiguration-Class closed Teacher Needed
Charms-Class closed Teacher Needed
History Of Magic-Class closed Teacher Needed
Care of Magical Creatures-Class closed Teacher Needed
Defense Against the Dark Arts-Class Open- Teacher -hannahcogirl
Muggle Studies-Class open - teacher goddessofcurlyfries
Divination-Class closed Teacher Needed
Herbology-Class closed Teacher Needed
Astronomy-Class closed Teacher Needed
Arithmancy-Class closed Teacher Needed
Flying/quiddtich -Class closed Teacher Needed
Honeydukes Sweet Shop

Hey Welcome to the guild Website we only have a few thing now because we dont have many members, I f you want to do me a favour you can create Harry Potter Quizzes at quizzilla or anothe quiz website then email me the link and ill add it here classes are currently closed until i get teachers and they all give me the links to their classes thank you an come again soon Note: Teachers Are desperatly Needed
