Sitcom Drama!

18 Steps to Driving Christina Crazy While Knitting:

Find a pattern you think is cool.
2. Decide you want to make it.
3. Do appropriate yarn calculations from Lion Brand Cotton-Ease to Red Heart TLC.
4. Buy a button from you LYS (Local Yarn Store) for $3 and buy the required yarn.
5. Knit the sweater in a size large.
(Elapsed time: about a month)
(Read about it here)
6. Finish it, try it on, and throw a hissy fit because it looks terrible.
7. Rip it out and try again. (here)
8. Rip it out and try again. (here)
9. Realize you have been having the most knitting stress that you can possibly have in a week.
10. Rip the whole damn thing out and take a week off to knit some hat.
11. Decide to reknit it as a medium.
12. Knit your little heart out. (Read here)
13. Have a huge revelation about why the large looked so horrible because you CAN'T READ A PATTERN!
14. Have this revelation after having sent an angry email to the designer.
15. Finish the knitting and sew.
16. Then sew some more (grosgrain ribbon to help curling stop).
17. And you are finally done!
18. Do a big happy dance and wear this classy sweater to your college graduation. (Picture here. I'm the one on the right)

Best part? Classy, warm, elegant, and dirt cheap.

To continue bragging, here is the total:
4 skeins Red Heart TLC ($8) + 1 super cool button ($3) + 2 yards ribbon ($2) = $13 sweater!

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