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Little Roses
Monday, 27 November 2006
This Christmas
Mood:  special
Topic: Religious/Saints
I really have ignored this site.
Pouring all things into other projects.
Even I get caught up in a rush.

Why do we rush, rush?

I am not going anywhere. Has our lives changed so much that we need to be in a hurry?

I feel that when I am being rushed, people are trying to get rid of me. If you need to do things in a hurry, then just do what you have to do.

I find no reason to rush and get yourself all nutty for............... what?

Everyone is so busy. I am not that busy.
What good does it do to rush, we make mistakes by rushing.

I think we all need a day to just chill.
If we can hurry, why can't we learn to chill.

Can we do that or is it impossible?

Especxially for Christmas

Posted by mac2/rosesandprayers at 12:05 PM EST
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This Christmas
Mood:  special
Topic: Religious/Saints
I really have ignored this site.
Pouring all things into other projects.
Even I get caught up in a rush.

Why do we rush, rush?

I am not going anywhere. Has our lives changed so much that we need to be in a hurry?

I feel that when I am being rushed, people are trying to get rid of me. If you need to do things in a hurry, then just do what you have to do.

I find no reason to rush and get yourself all nutty for............... what?

Everyone is so busy. I am not that busy.
What good does it do to rush, we make mistakes by rushing.

I think we all need a day to just chill.
If we can hurry, why can't we learn to chill.

Can we do that or is it impossible?

Especxially for Christmas

Posted by mac2/rosesandprayers at 12:05 PM EST
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Tuesday, 29 August 2006
Why focus on the Little Things?
Mood:  special
Topic: Simplicity
Living in the 21st Century is sort of incredible!
First off, who ever thought we wpuld be ALIVE in the 21-first century. (I mean those of us born before 1980)

I thought I would be living on mars or floating in mid-air like the Jetsons.

I had no idea when I was a kid what a WEB was well, except for a spiders web.

Growing up all I knew was what was in front of me.
A blank piece of paper, a crayon. A workbook.
There were no learning centers, no after-school programs. You got on the bus, and came home.

We used the PHONE if we were allowed to. Not a cell-phone.
We didn'y have SUV's.
My dad drove a buick.
I had no car seat, I sat between my sisters and we fought and slapped and I had no dvd player to watch my favorite movie while going to grandma's house.
Oh yeh, that was a four-hour ride from New London,Ct
to New Jersey.

In school we were taught about doing good deeds.
I guess I still believe in doing little things like sending an e-card (WOW) to a friend.
Or if I am really stressed, (Watch a dvd) Whoa.
And if I had an opinion, which I never did have until the age of three...I didn't have a blog.

What was a blog? To my oldest sister, the blog may have been a friday-nite horror film.

I am glad I grew up during an era where T.V. went off at 12:00 A.M. I think I heard the star spangled banner twice growing up; because I was in bed at 7:30 p.m.
And I had no t.v. in my bedroom.
And there was no cartoon network. Now that I wish I had.

If things remained more simplistic, would we have to see little girls' who were murdered on Christmas Night. I wouldn't have been dressed up like Miss America.

I think all of us need to take our children a trip down memoryh lane when the most exciting thing we did was take photo's or play a game, or sit on the steps and play those slap-hand games.

Growing up in the 60's was not an innocent time.
JFK was shot.
We had the Cuban Missle Crisis.
Bobby Kennedy was shot and so was Martin Luther King.
Yep, there were even wars. But now we are so global.. everyone knows everything about EVERYTHING.
Now I have to look at guys who lie about murdering little girls.

I see a war on my computer screen, and on T.V.
I am doing all those things I never imagined.
But now, I imagine I was that seven-year old hanging out in my room playing barbies and not worrying about tomorrow.

The Patron of my site is Saint Therese of Liseux.
Who was she? Just a little girl growing up in a family of five girls with a religous father and mother.
Her biggest delight were Roses. Any type of rose.
She would offer prayers, and throw roses.

Do little girls do that?
I think some might.

I know that we can't go back to the days of "Little Things" like a drive-in movie, or pop-corn balls on a Saturday night.
But somedays.. I don't have the t.v. on, I don't use the phone,or the computer.

This is the reason for my space. That and any other thing I can think of. Tonight I am sending roses to those still szuffering from Hurricane Katrina.

It's a little thing, but just as important.



Posted by mac2/rosesandprayers at 8:11 PM EDT
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Mood:  bright
Topic: Religious/Saints
What is today? check your weather Where were we a year ago. If we lived on the East Coast we were watching hurricane Katrina. But what wasz happening in New Orleans? People were afraid, angry, tired and thirsty. People were dead on the streets. Children were lost. What does it feel like now? Most people are gone. The ninth ward... well They are waiting for government checks, and a safe place to live. Many still have no gas or electricity. Who is affected mostly? The poor. In the ninth ward, and in many parishes. How can this happen now in the 21st century? Well many may know the answers. I might know but mostly it is because of the poorer people who live in those areas most affected. I wish some people in control would get going and help all those who have no place to go. In my life, I focus on the little things. I am dedicated to a saint known as Saint Therese: The little flower. It is important that we focus on the little things. The Children,The Older People, and yes even the animals. So if anyone does see this, try and remember all the little things which are central to the larger picture. For Help If you need help check the red cross web-site Thanks Lammie_2

Posted by mac2/rosesandprayers at 4:23 PM EDT
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Aren't we all a little Rose
Mood:  irritated
Now Playing: i
Topic: Religious/Saints
Hi to anyone who sees this.

One year ago we all saw whta Hurricane Katrina did to the Gulf Coast.

We can't stop a hurricane.
But what could we have done to help the people?

It is okay to be in anguish during a catastrophe.
But I often think of all the children and older people who were left to take care of them all.

Why is it that one year later we still have so many who are lost. Did you check the suicide rate?
What about the trash not picked up?

What about all the trailers that are sitting there waiting to be occupied?

In this century: The 21st!!!!!!!!!
None of us should be left out in any storm.

Why do we forget?
It isn't really all our fault. I gave to the red cross, and donated money via my church.
What else could I have done?

Well maybe just send a spiritual rose for every disturbing sight,every crying person I saw, and for all those I cried for.

If that is all I can do, then I will do that.


Posted by mac2/rosesandprayers at 3:50 PM EDT
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Monday, 19 June 2006
Simple Deeds
Mood:  happy
Topic: Saint Benedict

When one is sent on a retreat, it can mean many things to each person.
We all need time to be alone with ourselves; even if it is the last thing we want to do.

This retreat of mine took place in vermont ONE month before 9/11
As a matter of fact it 8/11 when I went in for moorning prayer. The sun had yet to rise and I could only think of how beautiful my surroundings were. I was noticing how the moon was sailing along as I walked the path. How hushed all things were and that no one else on the entire planet was where I was at this time.
How quickly I forgot this quiet in just a month.
That is why we must be in the present and not really think that the busy world is the most important world. All we must do is look back and see how quickly man's dreams fall away.

Posted by mac2/rosesandprayers at 3:37 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 1 December 2004
Dear Therese
Mood:  bright
Topic: Religious/Saints
Who is Saint Therese?
Who is The Little Flower and how can she help you?

Sain Therese of Lisieux lived only 24 years.

Her mother and Father, Louis and Zellie were very Holy Parents.
They gave birth to nine children but only five lived.

There Was Paulin, Marie, Leonine, Celine and Therese.

Zellie Martin died when Therese was only four years

After Zelli's death, Therese adopted Pauline to be her "God" mother but by the age of 12 Pauline had left to enter the Carmel in Lisieux.

Therese was so affected by this loss she grew very ill and it wasn't until the Virgin of The Smile
had performed a miracle that Therese was healed

At the age of 15 after much upset and suffering,
Therese was able to enter Carmel and join her sisters
Pauline and Marie.

Celine stayed behind to take care of Louis Martin who
suffered a stroke and also suffered from a mental illness.
Some blamed Therese for her father's illness, but he was happy to see her go.

Therese suffered from Tuberculosis and she first began to split up blood on a Good Friday.

Her superior did not realize how serious this condition was,until the doctors had confirmed it.

Therese died on September 30th, 1897.
She was made a Doctor of The Church in 1997 by Pope
John Paul ll mostly because of her "Little Way."

Her Little way is described in her Auto-biography
"The Story of a Soul."

Saint Therese promised that after she died she would,

Posted by mac2/rosesandprayers at 2:14 PM EST
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