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Castle (from Latin castellum, "small fortified place"), fortified residence of a feudal lord or monarch, and members of his court, during the Middle Ages. In the Middle Ages, Europe was in an almost constant state of warfare, and the primary purpose of a castle was to function as a place of refuge and as a military stronghold. Castles were built to withstand attack and siege. As well as protecting the king or lord and his people, castles also served as prisons, as safe places for storing treasure, as arsenals for weapons and the machinery of warfare, and as administrative centres for the surrounding area.

The Castle and the Countryside
Castles were built in locations that enhanced their defensive capabilities. Almost any high point made a castle easier to defend and more difficult to attack. An ideal location was on the edge of high cliffs overlooking a bend in a river, commanding an extensive view of the surrounding countryside. Château Gailliard, built by Richard I at Les Andelys, in Normandy, and Peveril Castle, in Derbyshire, are notable examples of strategically located castles. In areas where there were no hills or cliffs, castles tended to be moated. The Tower of London, a moated castle, was built by William the Conqueror to defend a crossing-place on the Thames.
Built to defend a king's or nobleman's territory, a castle dominated the area in which it was set. Over time, however, it became a source of security for the inhabitants of the surrounding countryside. As part of their feudal obligations, the local inhabitants served in the castle garrison for a fixed period, or provided food or other goods and services. Local commerce was also controlled from the castle; royal castles often controlled local market towns, the king or lord gaining revenue from the collection of market tolls. The castle also functioned as an administrative centre of the king's or lord's local estates, and served as a courthouse for local tenants and as prison for those awaiting trial.



Castles were often built in places where they could be easily defended. A commanding position on high ground provided the defenders with a vantage point from which to view the surrounding countryside, and also made attack more difficult. Surrounding a castle with a moat was a defensive measure that was taken in areas of flat land.

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This site was last updated 01/10/06