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OneRelease Venture Engineering
Brand and Identity Development
For the brand and identity development, I helped create the
OneRelease sales presentation. The process included brainstorming,
word-smithing, and editing. At the same time, I worked with a designer
to create the OneRelease logo. Once complete, I worked with my
manager and the designer to create the look and feel for the media kit
and business card.

Competitive Analysis
Competitive analysis requires the identification and tracking of
the client’s close competitors. OneRelease and I both identified some
direct competitors and I then researched the companies on the web, by
phone, and through articles to find key competitive information such as
top shareholders and investors, annual revenue, annual growth,
partners, customers, and more. I then wrote a competitive landscape
juxtaposing the Company against its competitors.

Strategic and Tactical Marketing Plans
The strategic Marketing plan, based on research, decides the
direction of the company’s in terms of marketing. It is a broad
overview that defines every initiative and explains why each is
necessary for the client. The tactical marketing gets into specifics such
as the magazines we will target, specific events and speaking
opportunities we see fit for the client, and so on. I drafted both the
OneRelease Strategic Marketing Plan and Tactical Marketing Plan. As
part of the tactical marketing initiatives, I wrote the Company’s first
press release. This resulted in articles for OneRelease.

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