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Last Updated: 8/09/2004

Early this morning, at 12:02am, Xavier Demetri Colin Amaral was born! He was delivered at Toby Hospital in Wareham, Massachusetts and he is my first born. Things are really exciting right now as well as scary. But I wanted to share that with all those who visit this site. The biography has also been updated. I will be adding an event page soon to make this page more attractive to those who don't really know me or my friends. So hopefully that will add a bunch of hits to the site. I want to take the time to thank all those who have been supportive for the past 9 months. I know it's been a crazy and it will continue to be crazy  but I've been regaining a lot of hope from many of those who I call my friends and those who are enlisted in my Pictionary! Thank you for being true angels in my life :) ...keep coming back for more updates!!

Welcome to the updated version of my Pictionary. This version I have excluded several pictures due to a lack up updates. So there are going to be many people who didn't give any pictures. But those who would like to have their picture changed or updated, please let me know. If you like your picture then you have nothing to worry about.


The contents on this site, imaging, and HTML are all in the rights and reserves of myself and everyone else on the page. The pictures were taken with the permission of each participate on the site. Each selective individuals were my own choosing and the opinions of them are of my own and no one else. Copyright © 2001-2004