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Welcome to Fort Riley and
Peterson Heights!

Your Mayor is Loni Coy and your Assitant Mayor is Monika Krpan. 2-34 AR is our Sponsor Unit and our Sponsor Unit POC (Point of Contact) is SSG Allen. Peterson Heights’ Housing Inspector Area Manager is Patricia Courtois.

This website was created with the hope that we could easily and conveniently share information with the residents of our community. Our goal as the Mayor's Team is to provide peaceful, stress-free living in a safe and friendly neighborhood. We live here also and want the best living for our families as well as yours.

Your Mayor is here as a "Social Director" to keep you informed. The Mayor and/or her assistant will also help you with any concerns or problems that may arise. We will help you resolve your issues by placing your concerns (in writing) before the correct Point of Contact (POC).

We hope that this website will be helpful for you and your family. Please feel free to contact any of the Mayor's Team with any questions, suggestions or concerns that you may have at

The Mayor's Team


Peterson Information

Informative sites

See Kansas



Thank You for Visiting!


page last updated 11-17-2005

Created by Susanne Jobs & Li Ansefelt-Thornton for Peterson Heights, September 2002
Sunflower Logo made by Jennifer Thornton
Photos: Li Ansefelt-Thornton
Maintained and updated by the Mayor’s Team