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We believe that learning about the past through actual living experience imparts a greater knowledge and appreciation than any lesson that is simply read from a book. The written pages of history, as an indelible record for us to see, actually comes alive through interactive demonstrations and educational programs individually tailored for each specific age group.

Many areas of concentration are available that can be specifically matched to any particular requirement, and we would happily design something to fit the needs of your school or civic group. Please contact us to experience the exhilaration and excitement that only comes from taking history from the static pages of a book and bringing it to life before your very eyes.

Mission Statement

Hands on History is a Non-Profit organization dedicated to educating the public about the past through living history and re-creation of the Historic Past.

We use exacting copies, striving for authenticity, or original clothing, uniforms, equipment, and weapons of historical periods.

We provide a glimpse into various periods in history through Living History encampments, demonstrations, parades, lectures to the public and schools, and other organizations.

We place great emphasis on authenticity.
Scheduled Public Events

Aug. 23 & 24 2003: The Quonset Air Museum & R.I. Military Vehicle Show. For more information contact: Quonset Air Museum at 1-401-294-9540 or RIMVCC, Paul at 1-401-766-4409 or Eric-1-401-294-3061

For info Email


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