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OAK RIDGE DETACHMENT Marine Corps League September 19, 2005 Newsletter

MEETING OPENED: 1900 hours. 21 members and one prospective member in attendance.

ROLL CALL OF OFFICERS: All officers present

APPLICATIONS FOR MEMBERSHIP: Nick Marriott. Nick lives in Greenfield and is a former Army 82nd Airborne. Nick was very helpful in assisting at the Fair before he was even a member. League accepted the application an Nick was duly sworn in as associate member. Welcome aboard Nick!!


CORRESPONDENCE: Received a "thank you" from Turners Falls Band Boosters.

Irv noted that his grandson's school, Mohawk Regional, will be holding a fund raiser for the Katrina victims Sept. 24th. This will be a Spaghetti Supper starting at 5 pm, cost is $ 10.00 per person.

PAY MASTERS REPORT: Accepted as read, after one question on a line item on the Fair.

UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Erik met with a lawyer and the paper work is started on incorporation of the League. Voted to purchase the two new Flag Poles for the front of the club. The Vets Club will reimburse the league for one of the poles.

Commandant thanked all for the long hours and hard work at the fair. Our hard labor appears to have netted us nearly $ 3,000 profit !! Thanks again to everyone that gave of their time.

NEW BUSINESS: Upcoming pancake breakfast on October 8th at the club. Serving will be from 7 - 11 am. Those planning to work on this should be at the club at 6 am. Radio stations and newspapers are giving us coverage on this.
Invite for the Conway Festival of the Hills parade on October 2nd at 12:30 pm. Forming at the Conway Highway Garage. Following the parade there will be a cookout at Butch's house.

We will be hosting the State Meeting and Growl on Nov. 20th. Meeting to start at 10:30 am. We will be providing refreshments. Any ideas on this, bring to Octobers meeting..

STANDING COMMITTEES: This years ball is Nov. 12th at the Greenfield Moose Club. Tim and Kim will be meeting with Bobby "C" to go over the ceremony music.

SICK AND DISTRESS: Lesley Parkinson's grandfather passed away. He was a Staff Sgt in the Army during WWII. League provided pallbearers. Also Irv sent card to the family. Tim mentioned that his mother-in-law, Butch's mother, is recovering from knee replacement.

NOMINATIONS: Tim moved that the same slate of officers be retained. Accepted.

GOOD OF THE LEAGUE: Tim provided this months refreshments. Next month Mike has refreshments.

Jug: Leo Parent- not present.

Next meeting, October 17th due to conflict with Columbus Day.