Archambault - Archambeault - Archambeau

I created this page because I had so much Archambeau info from my cousin Carol that it needed one. But now, to my utter delight, I have discovered that she and I not only share a Noel direct ancestor, but also share an Archambault direct ancestor as well! So I will be reorganizing this page to include the complete line for both Carol and I--and everyone else who is related to us along these lines!
You may notice that the spelling of the last name varies. I don't know what the correct or original spelling of the name is. I am simply using the spelling of the name that is provided by the source for each person.


Jacques and Françoise hailed from the same hometown: Lardilleère, Dompierre-sur Mer, La Rochelle, Aunis (now the Charente-Maritime) of France. Jacques was born there about 1604 to Antoine ARCHAMBAULT & Reneé OUVRARD; Françoise a few years earlier, in 1599. Jacques had a brother and sister, Denis and Anne, who remained in France.6
The marriage of Jacques and Françoise took place on 24 January 1629; not in their home province, but in neighboring Poitou--St-Philibert du Pont-Charault, Chantonnay, La Roche-sur-Youn, Vendée, to be exact. Jacques Archambault was not only a plowman, but a wine maker as well. The couple had 7 children in France--at least two of them in Dompierre--before immigrating to Canada with 6 of them (minus Louise, who died in France) between 1645-1646.
Although the Archambaults initially settled at Québec, the children began to drift away toward Montréal. In light of these circumstances, Jacques and Françoise eventually relocated to Montréal in 1654.6
At Montréal, Jacques availed himself of a unique opportunity: For 5 livres a year, master surgeon Étienne Bouchard would give medications for anything except plague; the service also did not cover wound dressing. It is possibly one of the first health insurance programs developed.6
In 1658, Jacques added another trade to those he already possessed--that of water dowser. He seemed to have a sense for knowing the best place to dig a well, and was paid well for use of this talent.6
Françoise Troueault was the first of the couple to die--she was buried 9 December 1663. Jacques lived for 25 more years. He married the twice widowed Marie Denot. Jacques Archambault died on 15 February 1688 at Montréal.

The children of Jacques and Françoise are:

Denis- Baptized at Dompierre on 12 September 1630. In 1651, he ran afoul of the Iroquois Indians on two separate occasions. His second and last run-in with the Iroquois happened during the 6 June 1651 (Ste. Anne's Day) attack. Denis lost his life when the cannon he was lighting during the battle exploded.6
Anne-Anne first married Michel Chauvin on 27 July 1647;m they settled in Montréal and had two children. But in 1650, Anne's domestic bliss was shattered when Louis Prudhomme returned to Canada from a trip to France. It seemed that he ran into the abandoned wife of Michel Chauvin, who was living in poverty in Saint Suzanne! On 8 October 1650, Monsieur Chauvin admitted his bigamy, which was duly noted by notary Jean de Saint-Père, and he was removed to France. On 3 February 1654, Anne married master baker Jean Gervais and had 9 more children with him. Anne died 29 July 1699 at Montréal.6
Jacquette- Born about 1632 in Dompierre. She married Paul Chalifour on 28 September 1648 at Québec City. Paul was born about 1618 in Sparme, Aunis, France; the son of Paul Chalifour & Marie Gabori, about whom nothing else is known. The couple made Québec City their home and had 14 children there; their daughters Marguerite and Françoise are noted in our family. Jacquette was buried at Québec City on 17 December 1700. Paul's death details are not known.6
Marie-Married Urbain Tessier and had 16 children! Marie was buried at Pointe-aux-Trembles on 16 August 1719.6
Louise- Born in France and died there before the family came to Canada.6
Marie- The second girl in the family to receive this given name married Gilles Lauzon at Montréal on 27 November 1656 and gave him 13 children.6


Laurent was born in Dompierre-sur-Mer, La Rochelle, Aunis, France on 10 January 1642 to Jacques ARCHAMBAULT & Françoise TOUREAULT. He immigrated to New France with his parents and 5 of his surviving 6 siblings in 1647. He would learn the trade of carpenter as he got older.6,7
When he was 18 years old, he married 16 year old Catherine Marchand at Montréal on 7 January 1660. Catherine was also from France--the St. Sulpice parish of Paris, in the faubourg St-Germain section, where she was born in 1644. Her parents, Pierre MARCHAND & Geneviève LESPINE, had both died by 1659--the year that Jeanne Mance brought her to Canada. They landed at Montréal on 29 September 1659 on the ship "Saint-Andre".6,7
The Archambault-Marchand union would bring 12 children into the world; their sons Laurent and JACQUES would enrich the family with their descendants. Four of their daughters would give their lives over to God and become nuns. Religion was undoubtedly an important part of their family life--in 1674, Laurent was chosen to be one of the churchwardens for the new Enfant-Jésus chapel to be built at Pointe-aux-Trembles, near Montréal.6,7
Catherine Marchand was buried 25 February 1713 at Pointe-aux Trembles. Laurent Archambault lived until 1730, when he was also buried at Pointe-aux-Trembles on 19 April of that year.6,7

The Sons of Laurent and Catherine

Two of Laurent Archambault and Catherine Marchand's sons will be the focus of this section as they contribute much to our lineage. Their son Laurent, Carol's direct line ancestor, will be first as he is older; then we will explore the lineage of their son JACQUES, my direct line ancestor.

Laurent Archambault & Anne Courtemanche

Laurent Archambault was baptized at Pointe-aux-Trembles on 27 June 1668, son of Laurent ARCHAMBAULT & Catherine MARCHAND. His future wife, Anne Courtemanche, was the daughter of Antoine Courtemanche, about whom nothing else is known. The couple were married 21 October 1686 at Pointe-aux-Trembles. Of their 9 known children, their son Jean Baptiste is the one who carries this lineage to the next generation.8
Anne Courtemanche was buried at Longue-Point, Montréal on 6 August 1737. Laurent Archambault would live 12 more years before being buried 31 March 1749 at Pointe-aux-Trembles.8

Jean Baptiste Archambault & Marie Joseph Millet

Jean Baptiste Archambault was baptized 30 June 1700 at Pointe-aux-Trembles, the son of Laurent Archambault & Anne Courtemanche. Marie Joseph Millet was born 15 May 1705 to Nicolas Millet & Catherine Gautier; the spelling of the surname on the birth record was Milhet.18,11
The couple married 30 April 1725 at Pointe-aux-Trembles; both of them declared to be unable to sign the marriage record. Tanguay shows 11 children for Jean Baptiste and Marie Joseph; but the child that contributes to our lineage, Louis Pascal, was not included in the list.8,9
It is not known when Jean Baptiste Archambault died. Marie Joseph Millet was buried 7 June 1780 at Longue-Pointe, at Montréal.8

Louis Pascal Archambeau & Madeleine Baudreau

Louis Pascal Archambeau was born at Pointe-aux-Trembles on 9 April 1742 and was baptized the same day; his parents were Jean Baptiste & Marie Joseph Millet. There is nothing known about Marguerite Baudreau. The couple's date of marriage and dates of death are not known. The only known child born of this union was the ancestor Joseph.9,10

Joseph Archambeault & Madeleine Metayer St. Onge

Joseph Archambeault's date/place of birth is unknown; his parents were Louis Pascal Archambeault & Marguerite Baudreau. Nothing is known about Madeleine Metayer St. Onge except her parents' name; Pierre Metayer & Marie Madeleine Mette.
Joseph and Madeleine were married about 1815 in Beloil, Vercheres, Québec, Canada. Their one known child was Eusebe Etienne Archambeault.10
It is not known when Joseph or Madeleine died.

Eusebe Etienee Archambeault - Tharsille Beausoleil

These two people with extraordinarily long names, were joined in marriage on 13 January 1852 in St. Damases, St. Hyacinthe, Quebec.10
A short rundown on Tharsille's lineage: She was the daughter of Augustin/Francoise Marcil. Augustin's parents were Jean-Baptiste Guilmeau dit Beausoleil/Marie Renaud. Francoise was the daughter of Francois/Marie Louise Benoit.10

Eusebe and Tharsille had 9 children:

  • Philiber Narcisse
  • Hariett- Born ca 1855 in Canada.1
  • Sofranise- Born ca 1856 in Canada.1
  • Addill- Female child born ca 1859 in Canada; given name was taken from poorly written census record.1
  • Joseph Born ca 1860 in Canada.1
  • Adolphe- Born 1861 in Canada.1
  • Mary- Born 1864 in Canada.1
  • Exilda- Born 1867 in New York.1
  • Philomene- Born ca 1869 in New York.1

It is not known for certain when this family settled in the United States. The birthplace for the couple's last two children indicates that they were in New York between 1864 and 1867. An entry in the Raymond Royal/Kay Beaudin website indicates that the family was in Cohoes, NY in 1873. Nothing else is known about this couple.

Philibert Narcisse ("Felix") Archambeault & Adeline Noel

Felix, as he was known, was born 14 December 1852 in St. Pie, Bagot, Québec to Eusebe Archambeault & Tharsille Beausoleil.11
Adaline Noel was the daughter of Moise Noel and Marguerite Latremouille. She was born 2 January 1853 in Lacolle, Quebec, Canada.2
Felix and Adeline were married 1 January 1873 in North Adams, Berkshire Co, MA; just one day shy of the bride's 20th birthday.12,14 The abovementioned Royal/Beaudin website claims that this couple met in Cohoes, NY in 1873 when Adeline arrived in that town and went to work in the mill. The date/place of marriage seems to contraindicate that. Which is accurate? I don't know. What I do know is that by the birth of their first child, Felix Archambeault and his "Little Mémère"--as he liked to call Adeline--were settled in Wiliamstown. I am told that a "mémère" is a bit of a chatterbox who talks a lot about her neighbors and neighborhood and likes to know about everyone's lives and discover secrets. This info was kindly provided to me by Carol Spurdens of Montreal. I am extremely grateful for the translation! They had the following 11 children--all born in Williamstown.13
It is important to note that this generation of the Archambeault line would make a change in the surname by dropping the last 2 letters and being known as Archambeau.
Adeline- Born 26 January 1875. She was nicknamed "Mémère" by her doting father.4,13 Young Adeline married a native of Canada named Armidas (went by "Edward") Beaudin on 25 February 1892 in Williamstown and had the following 10 children:14

  • Alfred Arthur- born 2 Feb 1894 in Williamstown. Married A. Dwan and had 2 girls.4,14
  • Mary Corrine- born 2 Aug 1895 in Williamstown. Married Francis Higgins and had 2 children.14
  • Clara Beatrice- b. 12 Apr 1897. Married Arthur Bugbee; no known children.14
  • Maude Catherine- b. 23 Nov 1898 in Williamstown. Married George Firth and had 5 children.14
  • George Adolph- b. 20 Sep 1902 in North Adams, Berkshire Co, MA. Married Claire Lancto; no known children.14
  • Lawrence Edward- b. 26 March 1905 in North Adams.14
  • Mabel Rose Alma- b. 5 Sep 1906 in North Adams. Married Frank McCabe and had 3 children.14
  • Ralph Theodore- Married Marian Lutz Stryker and had 2 children.14
  • Francis Nelson- b. 7 Aug 1913 in N. Adams. Married Lillian Buteau and had 5 children.14
  • Leonard David- b. 30 March 1916 in N. Adams. Married Kay Byrne and had 4 children.14

Details of Edward Beaudin's death are unknown. Adeline Archambeau died about 1957.14

Arthur "Archie"- The second child of Felix and Adeline, Archie was born 21 April 1876. He died at 9 years of age from complications of measles on 23 December 1885. He was buried in Eastlawn Cemetery.3,14
Mary Malvina- Born 1 March 1878. She married Edward C. Jerome; the date/place of this event is unknown. Edward Jerome was born in New York in 1870, the son of Peter and Roseanna Quinn. The couple had one child, Arthur.
Edward was buried 5 February 1930 in Eastlawn Cemetery, Williamstown. Mary Malvina lived to be 99 years old, dying 14 October 1977. She was buried 3 days later in Eastlawn.3,4,14
Rosana- Born 22 December 1879. She married John Royal (b. ca 1870) 30 August 1897 in Williamstown. They had 2 known sons: Raymond, who married Leanette LePine; and Lawrence, who married Lillian White.14
Ora D.- Born 7 April 1883. She married Albert N. Royal (b. 1880) ca 1908. Albert was the brother of John, above, who married Ora's sister Rosana.14
The couple had 3 children:

  • Edgar, b. ca 1909 14
  • Francis, b. ca 1912, married D. Adams, and supported his family as a cook.14
  • Evelyn R., b. 21 August 1913 in Williamstown. She married an unknown Tanguay. Evelyn died at the age of 94 on 18 May 2008 at Berkshire Medical Center in Pittsfield, MA and was buried 22 May 2008 in Eastlawn Cemetery. Evelyn was retired from the GE plant in Pittsfield and liked to golf and bowl.14
On 28 December, 1919, Albert Royal and his 10 year old son Edgar were near or on a frozen body of water when Edgar fell through the ice. Albert tried in vain to save his son. Tragically, they both drowned. They are buried in Eastlawn Cemetery.3,14
At an unknown date, Ora married George Wright, a paint contractor. Ora died 27 December 1957 in Williamstown and was buried in Eastlawn Cemetery.3,14
George- Born 22 December 1884. Married Rose Orelle on 21 September 1908 in Williamstown. They had 6 children:
  • Howard- married Geraldine Learned.14
  • Charles Peter- married Marion Campbell.
  • Mildred- married Edgar Waldon.14
  • Leonard- married Virginia Brothers.14
  • Ruth14
  • Ruby14

Delia Dora- Born ca 1866. Married Jean Baptiste (called John) Lanoue on 8 June 1909 in Williamstown. Delia and John had 5 children:
  • Nelson, born and died in 1911.14
  • Roland, born in 1913 and died in 1966.
  • Gerland, born in 1915 and was an invalid for most of his life. He died in 1968.14
  • Doris, born in 1920 and died in 1994. She devoted herself to taking care of her invalid brother until his death.14
  • Russell.14

John Lanoue worked at the Arnold Print Works and at Williams College.
Delia Archambeau died 25 February 1947 in Williamstown and was buried two days later in Eastlawn. John Lanoue died 21 October 1950 in Willamstown and was buried two days later in Eastlawn with his wife.14
Edgar Victor- Born 27 January 1889. Married Edna McKay and had 5 children:
  • Thelma, married Charles Gill.14
  • Dawn U., Born Sep 1917 and died 24 Oct 1918; buried in Eastlawn with her parents.14
  • Yvonne, married August Gomes.14
  • Ursule.14
  • Edgar Victor, Jr..14
Edgar Sr. died in 1949 and Edna died in 1971.14
Bertha Mae- Born 8 July 1891. She worked as a spool tender in a cotton mill before marrying Lucius Burr 23 June 1927 in Williamstown. They had 3 children: Marilyn, Adeline, and Winton.14
Leo Edward- Born 11 September 1892. He married Marie Albina Angelina Rose Alma Plante on her birthday-- 23 July 1923 in Holyoke, Hampden Co, MA. She was born in Holyoke in 1892 to Napoleon/Octavie Peltier. Leo was a watch maker and jewler by trade.14
Leo and Marie Albina had 4 children, one of which was an infant girl who was born and died on 14 December 1923. I know for sure that at least one of their remaining children is still alive and there is the possibility that the others are as well.14
Grace Corrine- The youngest of the brood, she was born 18 October 1894. She was a winder in a cotton mill before she married Walter Picard 25 November 1926. Their adopted son, Malcolm, was born 29 August 1935 in N. Adams. The couple adopted him after his mother died in childbirth. Malcolm died 26 Oct. 2003 in N. Adams.14
Corrine, as the family called her, died in 1970. Walter followed in 1981. They are buried in Eastlawn.14

Felix Archambeault and Adeline Noël lived on Front Street in Williamstown for most of their married life. Felix was employed in a cotton mill as a carder and also overseer of one of the rooms at the mill. Felix Archambeault was also one of the founders of a church.1,5
The family was bilingual, able to speak both English and French. Adeline, however, seemed to feel that speaking English was bothersome and generally pretended to be unable to do so. But, to everyone's amusement, she was overheard more than once on the telephone ordering groceries in English.14
Felix Archambeault died 16 November 1912 in Williamstown. He lived to see 7 of his 11 children marry and have children of their own.14
Adeline Noel lived 24 more years. The census records of 1920 and 1930 show her still living on Front Street; in 1920 with children Bertha, Leo, Corrine, and the widowed Ora--along with Ora's two remaining children. In 1930, her daughter Corrine and son-in-law Walter were living with her--with Walter listed as head of the household. Adeline died in Pittsfield, Berkshire Co, MA on 23 November 1936 and was buried in Williamstown with Felix.1,3

Jacques ARCHAMBAULT & Françoise AUBUCHON dit Lesperance

As stated above, Jacques Archambault is my direct line from the Archambault to the Noël line.
Jacques Archambault was baptized 27 March 1671 in Montréal, the son of Laurent ARCHAMBAULT & Catherine MARCHAND.8
Françoise Aubuchon was baptized 24 March 1677 at Montréal; her parents were Jean AUBUCHON & Marguerite SEDILOT.8
Jacques and Françoise were wed 15 February 1694 at Montréal and had a family of 12 known children. Of their offspring, Catherine is the one who proudly brought the Archmabault legacy to the Noël line via the Dufresne and Brunell lineage.8
Jacques Archambault was the first of the couple to pass away; he was buried 9 October 1725 at Longue-Pointe, near Montréal. His wife Françoise Aubuchon lived another 21 years before her mortal remains were buried on 5 June 1746, also at Longue-Pointe.8

The In-Laws

This is where we expand on those who have married into this line and have info of their own; don't want to leave anyone out! They are ordered alphabetically by husband's surname.


Jean Aubuchon was born about 1591 in Dieppe, Normandy, France; his parents are not known and the parish he hails from is equally mysterious.6
Jean first married Catherine Marchand about 1616 in St. Rémi, Dieppe, Normandy, France. Catherine was born about 1595 in the same St. Rémi parish; her parents are unknown and she is not the same Catherine Marchand from the Archambault line. Jean and Catherine had two children--Jacques and Marie--before Catherine died in April of 1632.6
Jean supported his family as a merchant; he was also a sponsor of Canadian voyagers. He was a busy man and needed someone to care for his 3 year old daughter, Marie. So before the year 1632 came to a close, he took for his wife Jeanne Gille. She was the young daughter of Matadrin GILLE & Jeanne HUET; born to them July 1616 in Normandy, France and but a year older than Jean Aubuchon's own son Jacques. Sometime in 1634, Jean and Jeanne had their own child, Jean.6,8
Jean Aubuchon pere died 8 October 1647 at St. Rémi. Jeanne Gille died 19 September 1654 at an unknown place.6

Jean AUBUCHON dit Lesperance & Marguerite SEDILOT

Jean Aubuchon was from the Dieppe area of France; his parents were Jean AUBUCHON & Jeanne GILLE . He was born about 1634 in St. Rémi, in Dieppe, Normandy, France. He is believed to have immigrated to Canada in 1643.6
Marguerite Sedilot was the daughter of Louis SEDILOT & Marie GRIMOULT, and was baptized 4 April 1643 at Québec City.8
Although a marriage contract was drawn up for this couple at Trois-Rivières on 9 September 1654, there was a small catch: The bride-to-be was only eleven and a half years old!!! The marriage took place promptly after the bride's 12th birthday; the date was 12 April 1655. Of their 13 known children, daughter Françoise is our ancestress.8
Jean did not seem to take readily to married life, as evidence by a court record dated 17 June 1660 where Jean was ordered to pay 600 pounds to Montréal surgeon Etienne Blanchard as recompense for Jean's adultery with Etienne's wife, Marguerite Boissel. Jean also found himself in trouble with the authorities more than once for selling liquor to the Indians. Even though Jean was a successful fur trader and merchant, the illegal sale of alcohol to the Indians was very profitable and Jean could not easily give up that income. Adultry, illegal trade with the Indians...the authorities in Montréal became fed up with Jean and tossed him out of town. Jean stayed in Trois-Rivières for two years, after which time he was permitted to re-establish himself in the village.6
Seeming to have learned his lesson, Jean led a scandal-free life upon his return to Montréal. He settled his family at Longue-Pointe. To try and make up for his previous bad behavior, Jean made a donation of 300 pounds to the Church of Notre Dame for masses to be said six times a year--forever. He was appointed church warden in 1672. He and his wife Marguerite continued to add to their family. Life was good.6
On or about 3 December 1685, Jean Aubuchon turned in for the evening in a townhouse in Montréal where he was staying on business. At some point while he slept, he was murdered in his bed. His grieving widow Marguerite Sedilot wasted no time pointing an accusatory finger at one Jacques Paillerault. She claimed that Monsieur Paillerault had been her lover and that he was the one who murdered Jean Aubuchon. The authorities obligingly threw Paillerault in jail; but he was released after two years due to there being no evidence or witnesses to convict him. The three-year-long investigation went unsolved and Jacques Paillerault ended up being responsible for its costs.
Amid all this confusion, Marguerite Sedilot remarried in 1687, to one Pierre Lusseau. Marguerite Sedilot's date of death is unknown.6

Peter Jerome & Roseanna Quinn

Peter was born about 1833 in Canada. Roseanna was born in Ireland about 1835. Their parents are unknown, as is their date/place of marriage.1
Peter and Roseanna had the following children:

  • Mary- Born about 1863 in Canada.1
  • Edward C.
  • Flora
  • Hattie- Born about 1858 in Massachusetts. She married machinist Richard Watson McVey in Williamstown in 1879. Richard was born about 1856 in Massachusetts. Hattie died sometime before 1920, as Richard is listed as widower in that census. Richard's death information is not known.1,12
The death details for Peter Jerome and Roseanna Quinn are not known.


1. Census records
2. Lacolle, Québec baptism records from Peg G.
3. Eastlawn Cemetery records
4. Records viewed at Williamstown, Mass. town hall
5. "Our Founding Fathers" of St. Raphael's Church 100-year commemorative pamphlet
6. Our French Canadian Ancestors" by Thomas Laforest, Volumes 4 & 19
7. "Before the King's Daughters: The Filles à Marier" by Peter Gagné
8. Tanguay's Dictionary
10. Information from Ann R.
11. The Drouin Collection at Ancestry
12. New England Historic Genealogical Society
13. Website of Ray Royal/Kay Beaudin-link not provided as site is not online anymore.
14. Carol W. gave me information, encouragement, support, and rides to Williamstown town hall & Eastlawn Cemetery. You're the best!!

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Noel Family of Brockton, MA by Jolynn Noel Winland is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License
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