The Tale of Mystery Island

The Tale of Mystery Island
By: a psycho chiwawa.
Disclaimer: No I don't own pokemon but I wish I did because right now I'll be swimming in a pool of money. And I dont own the sound of music.

Chapter 1

It all started when our heroes noticed a sign that said "Mystery Island rent a boat for $20.00 only ten miles away."

"Mystery Island where is that?" asked Ash.

"Well if you would of looked at the sign like a smart human its only ten miles away," said Misty. Then she walked into a pole.

"Ha, ha look who is the brainless one now! Where were you when God gave out the brains? At the beauty parlor trying to fix that mess on your face. I see they didn't do a very good job,"snickered Ash.

"Well at least I don't have 7 pokemon when your really supposed to have 98 by now. Besides Gary is beating the pants off you while you're still standing here fighting with me,"said Misty.

"She's got you there,"said Brock. (Who just appeared out of the clear blue sky.)

"Oh yeah, well Misty how many pokemon do you have again? Oh yeah 3! Woops, I forgot Psyduck, lets forget about him I heard that you were going to abandon him soon ,"said Ash.

"Who told you that? Who ever told you that is a big liar ! So there naww," babbled Misty while sticking out her tongue.

"I feel for you Psyduck (who was out of his pokeball),"said Ash

"YOU WORRY ABOUT YOUR OWN POKEMON," Misty yelled. Just then a total stranger walked into Misty and said,"OH MY THIS LITTLE GIRL IS HURT. HER FACE IS ALL BANGED UP !"

"What !?!"asked Misty.

"Here is the 50 bucks I owed you thanks pal," said Ash to the stranger.

"Hey thanks," said the stranger.


"Chill chill," said Brock.

"Pika pi (stop fighting )," said pikachu. ( Isn't pikachu just a little peace maker it just knows how to mess up a good story. "Arg")

"Now you two stop fighting we need to get to Cinnabar. But first lets go to the Pokemon Center,"said Brock.

At the Pokemon Center

"Ok I'll heal your pokemon," said Nurse Joy to Ash.

"So Nurse Joy are you doing any thing tonight,"asked Brock. No answer came.

"How bout it? Tonight I'll pick you up 8:00 sharp," said Brock.

"AAHH GET AWAY FROM ME ,"said a greasy looking man who was sitting at the counter next to Brock.

"Whoops I must of forgot to put my contacts in (which were designed for his eyes),"said Brock.

"So where are you guys off to?"asked Nurse Joy.

"To that Island over there off the cost of Cinnabar I feel like checking it out,"said Ash.

"Oh no don't go there ,"said Nurse Joy.

"What!?! Why?"Misty asked.

"When People step onto the island they ever come out!"


"Oh yes, every night I here some strange howling noise from the island,"she said with a hint of fear in her voice,"I remember when I was a little Nurse Joy (isn't she so lame?) my grandpa told me and my sisters, cousins, and some other type of relatives that look like me, talk like me, and have the same name as me!"she said starting getting very furious,"Man I would get so mad at Joy number 1, 2, 3, and so on, I could kill!,"she was now so furious her face started turning red. (Buts that's another story!)

Scared, Ash backed up very slowly then ran. As Ash ran out the door, then he realized he forgot his pokemon! "Oh, well the heck with that, I'm going to Vegas!"he said. Ash didn't really care were he went as long as it had a casino and as far away as possible form those lunatics! (He means Misty, Brock, Nurse Joy, and pikachu)

When he finally reached Nevada (I think its close to Vegas) a huge hand reached out to him from the heavens. The next thing you heard was the a mysterious voice it said,"Ash you have don a terrible crime!"

"Ar-ar-are you God?" replied Ash.

"NO, I'm really the writer oh this show! NOW HURRY I'M LOSING MONEY, AND SO ARE YOU!" with that the voice disappeared. And Ash ran as fast as that cute little roadrunner (Ash isn't very cute) on tv.

The mention of money must of made him run as fast as Super Man because he was back at that Pokemon center in a split second! And there was the same Misty and same line eyed Brock. And the not so joyful Nurse Joy.

"Hurry up ASH,"snapped Misty.

"Alright, alright I'm getting my pokemon,"said Ash who was quite a bit aggravated.

"Ok Ash here are your pokemon. That's just what my "relatives" are always saying, why do they always have to copy me? Its always, "Joy can I use this can I do that," and why are they all have too copy me and look like ME!!!!!!!!!!!"cried Nurse Joy. "Well I'll put an end to that,"then she ran off, and in a split second she had her hair dyed green and blue and she wore black all black. But that is still another story.

Chapter 2

"Yo Ash lets get going to Cinnabar ,"yelled Brock from across the room.

"Okay," agreed Ash. Then they walked out the door. "So Brock how about going to that island over there, what's it called again? Mystery Island!"said Ash

"NO,"said Brock in a tone of voice a parent would say. (He is very cheap)

"Oh come on Brock we don't need to rent a boat we could just surf there with water pokemon ,"said Misty.

"Please Brock," said Ash.

"Please Brock," said Misty.

"Pika pika pi," said pikachu.

"Oh and just think how Nurse joy would feel if brought back some new plants to make medicines,"said Ash.

"Nur....Nurse Joy!?!"babbled Brock.

"Uh huh!"said Ash with a twinkle in his eye.

"Then what are we waiting for,"yelled Brock then he ran off.

"Hey wait up Brock,"they all yelled.


"Over the river and through the woods, behind two statues on a ledge stood.....a bush. But behind the bush stood the evil....HEY WHERE ARE THOSE GUYS!"

"Psst over here,"whispered a voice that came out of a bush.

"Oh, there you are! Ok I'll finish my sentence now. Sat the sinister Team Rocket ( then Music came in the background this how it went bum bum bummm. Ok lets continue with our story now shall we? Well I can't here you because this is a story, but I think its yes (lets hope )."

"Huhum can I ....I mean we have a chance to speak NOW!?!"Jessie said calmly then she started to yell.

"Sure,"said the voice the came out of nowhere (also the narrator). Any way Jessie looked through her binoculars , then Meowth, then James looked into his binoculars at the wrong end.

"So those kids are off to that island over there the perfect chance to capture that Pikachu (isn't that what they always say?)

"That's funny I only see tiny specks,"said James looking through his binoculars at the wrong end.

"YOU IDIOT YOUR LOOKING TROUGH THEM THE WRONG WAY!!" yelled Meowth and Jessie. Then came that annoying girlish laugh he always did out of fear.

" Come on guys lets get going if we want to go capture that Pikachu."

"Ahh yes if I....I mean we capture it my master plan will be complete!"said James with an evil grin on his face.

"What master plan?"asked Meowth.

"My master plan to eat the most doughnuts in the world! BWA HA HA HA."

"What does that have to do with anything?"asked Jessie.

"I don't know I just want to do it . And it gives me a good thing to sing about,"he said. Then out of nowhere a sparkly tux appeared on him. Then very sappy music came on. Next came the singing (someone help us !)

This was in the tune of My Favorite Things from The Sound of music

"Bear-claws, powdered,
and chocolate eclairs.
I don't think that's a doughnut,
But I don't really care!
These are a few of my favorite
Doughnuts! la la la la la la la !!"he sang.

"Ok who wants to listen to some weirdo singing doughnuts ? I thought so (hopefully its no),"said the strange voice who came out of nowhere.

"Hey nobody I mean nobody interrupts me during my doughnut song ,"yelled James to the strange voice.

"Ok I think we should MOV...m. on now! Hey buddy, pal, friend lets go out for pizza so....HEY WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH THAT CHAINSAW?!!?"

"NO ONE INTERRUPTS ME DURING MY doughnut SONG!!"yelled James.

"Ah.....ah lets move on to the next chapter now!"

Chapter 3

"Lets go Starmi!"yelled Misty. Everyone was riding water pokemon. Brock was riding Misty's Staryu, Ash was riding his his Squtail, Misty was riding her Starmi, and Pikachu was riding Goldeen. Oh you may ask why togepii (how ever you ask it isn't in this story. Well, it became a fried egg. No questions please.

"Look were almost there,"said Brock.

"Finally!"cried Misty. They got closer and closer to the island. But the problem was that water pokemon were starting to loose their energy! Then the FINALLY reached the island!

"Few," said Ash as his Squirtal slid on the strange new beach on the island.

"We....we made it!" exclaimed Misty.

"Cha (finally) ," cried Pikachu.

"Come on guys lets go find some more Pokemon ,"yelled Ash.

"No lets go find some pretty girls! Or find stuff for Nurse Joy!"yelled Bock.

"No lets sit in the sun, and get sun tans !"said Misty.

"Why,"asked Ash and Brock. Then they started to laugh.

"To look even better than before!" she yelled in a happy voice.

"Ha ha I'm sorry did you say before? If there was or ever will be I'll be dead!" Ash said.

"Har, har,"Misty laughed sarcastically.

"Besides it would take a eternity to make you look gorgeous!"said Ash.

"OH YEAH?"she yelled.

"Yeah,"Ash yelled.

"Come on guys lets go exploring,"sad Brock. And off they went. The Island was covered with the smell of spices, like someone was cooking! It was a beautiful place to be. The beach was beautiful! The sand was a light pinkish color. And the waves were huge. They were just right for surfing.

The forest was covered with trees. There wasn't even a drop of sunlight that entered the forest. Right outside of the entrance of the forest there was a circle of many tropical flowers. It looked like a some witchcraft ritual

"Hey look at that,"said Misty while pointing the circle of flowers.

"Who or what made it?"asked Ash.

"This must of just been made, because the tide would of washed it away!"added Brock. You can tell that he is one of his intelligent mode.

"Pika pika (this is getting freaky),"Pikachu said. Then a little man walked out of the woods. He was wearing a loin cloth, and he had a bone in his hair. His face was painted with brown, blue, and red. He had a large staff in his hand with a skull of a tours on the top of it.

Then he went up to Misty and took his staff and blocked her way. Misty gave out a yell. Next he took his giant staff and put it over his head it looked like he was going to hit Misty! (Hopefully) then the strange little man with the painted face said........

"You like my art ?"asked the little man.

"Aaahhhhhhh,"screamed Misty.

"Aaaaah,"screamed Ash and Brock.

"Piikkkkkaaa,"screamed pikachu.

"Me take that as yes,"said the funny man.

" mean you made this,"asked Misty.

"Me very proud of art. Hey you got pokemon ,"said the little man pointing to pikachu. "Hey I'm a pokemon to! See Metapod Metapod,"said the funny little man while putting two leaves on his head.

"This guy is nuts!"said Brock.

"I know lets get out of here!" said Ash. Wanting to go to Vegas.

"Your right lets get going,"said Misty. Then she called out her Starmi, Staryu, and Goldeen. Then to her surprise the were all to weak to swim. Then Ash called out his Squrtail. But to his surprise he was to weak to swim too!

"Misty you still got your Psyduck,"said Brock.

"Your right but I don't think battle the strong waves!"she said.

"You got to try before were eaten alive but the freak in the costume!"said Brock.

"Ok I'll give it a try."she said. Then once her Psyduck was out he took one look at the monstrous waves he ran around saying "Phy yi yi"

"I knew it was to good to last," said Misty

"How bout your horsea?"

"He was left at the pokemon center"

"Some trainer you are!"said Ash.

"He needed to get checked up. For your information."

"Yeah sure"

"Come on guys stop fighting we need to get off this island,"said Brock. Now our heroes are out of luck. How are they supposed to get off the island! The only person left with them is the strange witch doctor!

"Oh no nothing can be worse than being stuck on an island without no pretty GIRLS !"Brock said. Then he pulled out a toy hula dancer which had a picture of Nurse Joy pasted on the toy. "Aahhh much better,"sighed Brock. Then the loud sound of thunder came. Then they started to feel a little bit of water fall on them.

"It can't get any worse than this! said Ash.

"Uh Ash it just did,"said Brock looking up at the sky watching the raindrops fall all over them.

"Well know it can't get any worse!"Ash said again.

"Yes it can! And we better run because there is a huge wave right behind you!"said Misty.

"Well now it can't get any worse,"said Ash.

"Yes it can." said Brock.

"No it can't!"

"Uh yes it can! Team Rocket is riding a huge wave!"


Chapter 4
Finally the huge wave broke. "Phew that was close,"said Ash.

"To close" said Misty. Then it started to rain like Meowths and Growlifs. In the distance they herd the fighting of Team Rocket. Lets listen in .

"OOOOOCHHHHH,"yelled James. He was yelling because James had a Goldeen on his rear-end

"See what happens. I told you to rent a boat,"said Jessie.

"Well you used up all our money on hair -spray!"said Meowth.

"I only bought about 15 cans!"

"And that is why we had to ride a ducky tube here!"said Meowth.

"Hey don't blame me you are the one who spent all that money on little round toys (note- no I don't mean that),"said Jessie. Then Goldeen that was stuck on James evolved.

"OOOUUUCHHHHH!!"waled James.

"SHUT-UP JAMES!"they both yelled.

"B...but I really need a band-aid!"he said painfully again.

"Can't you see we're fighting?"

"Bu...but my but..ut really hurts!"

"Well wada ya want a medal?"said Meowth.

"Can it help me?"James said

"He is hopeless! Come on guys lets go do the motto,"said Jessie. So the three of them walked over to our heroes. Then they put a tape the played the music they always played when they always said the motto. Ohh no here it comes!

"Prepare for trouble!"

"And make it double!"

"To protect the world...."Jessie said. Then the tape went bad. Jessie, James, and Meowth started to stomp on the tape player. "Stupid thing! I told you that we should of bought a CD player, but no you had to buy more hair-spray!"yelled Meowth.

"Well what about those little round toys?"she yelled back.

"You leave my little toys out of this!"

"Please lets just finish this,"said James.

"Yes he's right lets just get this over with,"said Meowth.

"To protect the world from devastation,"said Jessie suddenly.

"To unite al peoples with in our nat..."

"SHUT-UP! What is your point?"yelled Ash.

"Our point is that we want that pikachu,"said Jessie.

"Look we have been saying no for 60 something episodes! What makes you think we will say yes now?"said Ash.

"I don't know! I guess I'm feeling lucky tonight!"said James.

"No your not you haven't won a carnival game all week!"said Jessie.

"That's not true! What about those toy keys! Oh don't forget Mr. Jack-o- lantern!"James said very proudly.

"What are you talking about?! The toy keys were just prizes you won for losing so badly!"she said.

"And Mr. Jack-o-lantern is mine!"said Meowth.

"Oh come on guys we got to figure out how to get off this island,"said Brock.

Chapter 5
Now here they are, all 7 of them sitting in the pouring rain with nothing to do but watch James run around screaming saying that there isn't any doughnuts left for him.

"Why, why?"cried James

"Is there something wrong with you?" asked Ash.

"Can't you see that you peoples ate all the doughnuts?"James said.

"It wasn't just me it was Misty!" said Ash.

"Well stop yelling at me I had a rough day! A Goldeen went up my butt! And I cut my pinky!"said James.


"Please shut up can't you see I'm in pain! Is there a doctor in the house it really hurts!"said James.

"Well there isn't exactly a doctor but a witch doctor!"said Brock.

"Really were I need to ask him about this foot fungus,"said the funny little man. Then Misty noticed that the Witch Doctor's feet was right next to her! She screamed so loud the whole country could hear her.


"Hey what was that?"said Nurse Joy.


"So witch person do you have a place that we can stay? Cause we are getting soaked,"said Ash.

"Oh yes come follow me,"said the little man. So they walked through the forest, it looked so eerie in the dark and rain. A few minuets went by until they reached the hut.

It was old looking kinda place made of grass. There was a hammock in the corner were the little man slept. Ash, Pikachu, Brock, Meowth, Jessie, James, and Misty walked into the hut. The little man told them to have a seat at this horrible looking table that looks like it was made bye a three year old.

"So mister I never got your name, what is it?"asked Ash.

"My... my name the pokemon!!!!"

"Ooookkkk,"said Ash who was very confused.

"Now for your entertainment I will perform the curse of the............rainbow fish. Now you must all sit at the table and hold hands with the person across from you,"said the little man. Ash was disgusted because he was holding hands with James, but he was glad that he wasn't holding hands with Misty. Brock was holding hand with Meowth, and they both weren't to happy about that. Jessie was holding hand with pikachu. Pikachu wasn't very happy but Jessie was. She thought it was a perfect opportunity to capture pikachu, but pikachu electric shocked her so badly that she forgot that she was going to capture pikachu for the first place. Misty sat across the little man's pet squirrel so she had to hold hands.

"Well now I should begin,"said the little man. Then he raised his small hands into the air and said strange words,"Hctiws dnuora ot eht dnuorg tel eht dlrow denrut dnuora (another repeat of that chant),"chanted the funny little man. If you tunned that chant around it said Switch around to the ground let the world be turned around. Well that chant did something to our heroes so impossible that not even the most gullible person will ever believe it!

Well what happened was that Ash noticed that he was sitting across from were he was sitting. Then he noticed that he was towering over Misty, and then he looked down and saw that he was wearing a BIG "R" on his shirt!


Ash was now James! He gave out a loud yell. Now every one was turned into the person across from them. It was a funny sight Misty's body had a mind of a squirrel, it was funny watching Misty's body jump all over the place. And Misty was in the body of a squirrel and all she could do was ask why she had a sudden crave for nuts. Jessie had turned into pikachu and she had no idea if that was good or bad. Pikachu wasn't very happy because it was very confused because of the army tank on its head. Brock had turned into Meowth and liked the accent but wasn't to happy about bring short. Meowth was now Brock , and hated not being able to see very well. And Ash was James and the only thing he liked about it was that he was now tall.

"Ha ha ha Jessie is pikachu we should take her to the boss then he'll give me a raise ha ha,"said James in Ash's body. Everyone had to laugh at his stupidity. Then Jessie in pikachu's body got so mad at him that she electric shocked him.

"Look mister we can't live like this please change us back,"said Ash in James's body.

"Ok. Only on one condition."

"What is that?"asked Ash in James's body.

"If you give me a pair of your socks,"said the funny little dude.

"Uh ok,"said Ash in James's body, not to sure about giving his socks away. Then the little man put on his socks and tried to reverse the curse. But then something went wrong! Instead of going back to normal everyone got mixed up! Ash was still as tall as James and had long lavender hair. James was as tall as Ash with black pointy hair. Misty was left with a big furry tail and a huge craving for nuts. The squirrel was left with the suspenders. Jessie was completely yellow with pikachu's tail. And pikachu was left with Jessie's hair, poor pikachu couldn't carry all that weight on its head. Brock was left with meowth's pointy ears and Jersey accent. Meowth was left with no eyes and a love for older women.

Then they disappeared into the island as little freaks of nature.

The End or is it (lighting and thunder)

AUTHOR'S NOTE: HEY DUDES. Ok this isn't the best story in the world and this ain't the best written. So sue me. Any way I'm writing a sequel call Nurse Joy Strikes Back. This story was written last summer when ash didn't get his 7th badge so it's a little out of date. Questions comments e-mail me at thanx

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