Cass's Column of Totally Useless Yet (hopefully) Strangely Amusing Ponderings

Well, I suppose I should introduce myself, since you probably have absolutely no idea as to who I am at this point in time. :-)

I'm Cassandra Greysun, but eveyone in their right mind calls me Cass. Everybody who is NOT in their right mind ALSO calls me Cass. So unless you somehow have managed to be enough of a freak not to fit into either of those categories, stop reading this right now and go see some sort of psychiatrist that will charge you no less than six hundred dollars an hour to have your rather serious identity crisis solved. (Either that, or go stare at a blank wall for half an hour before continuing to read this) (another suitable method of treatment involves six chickens and a large bucket of Peanut Butter, but I won't get in to that for now.)

In case you haven't noticed already, this is rather pointless. And that is, strangely enough, the point. If you'll refer back to the title of this section, which happens to be "Cass's Column of Totally Useless Yet (hopefully) Strangely Amusing Ponderings", you'll see the reasoning behind this point of pointlessness. Either that, or you'll get sick and tired of hearing me say the word point. I'll be sure to point it out to you whenever I mention the word point ever again in any future articles that I may choose to write.

If you're still reading this right now, give yourself a pat on the back for being so tolerant. :-)

For now, I'll stop rambling on about pointless things and start on my first pointless article about something you never would have thought about under normal circumstances, but that I've rudely awakened your senses to and that you'll notice and be irritated by for the rest of your conscious life.

"Like What?" you may be asking yourself. Well, like this:

Crayons. Who are they for? Little kids, barely old enough to know not to eat the things. Parents sit their child in front of a blank piece of paper and hand them a crayon, and watch intently while the tot fumbles with it and scribbles with it and comes up with a messy creation that could either be a tree or Grandpa, nobody's quite sure.

Now, perhaps you've noticed that, even once you've gotten to be an age mature enough to weild pencils and markers dexterously, Crayons are still as unuseable as ever. The lines always come out uneven, the point dulls easily, they break too quickly... the list goes on. In fact, the only people who can make anything colored or drawn with Crayons with any quality at all is someone who has practiced with them for a good many years, and is an accomplished artist to begin with.

... And we give these unuseable tools to our KIDS to LEARN to draw?

Maybe, if we gave them a slightly more feasable drawing tool, they could come up with wonders of modern art at four years old! Masterpieces would be displayed on the Fridge instead of non-descript scribblings of either inanimate objects or in-laws, whichever fits the day's mood. Today's artists' talent could be spotted early on and nurtured right from the start! Schooling could begin sooner, mental development would be faster, kids would graduate sooner, be on their own and responsible younger, get paid more for better jobs and run the world the way it should be run, feed the starving, make all men and women equal, create universal harmony and greet extraterrestrial life with open arms!

Or, at least, we could tell whether the drawing was of the couch in the livingroom or of the family dog.

... Pointless, no?

(Don't worry, they'll get better as I go... I hope... with any luck...)

That's it. I'm done. Have a nice day. :-)

the Mentally Unstable One

E-Mail me with any comments or suggestions at

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