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The Pit Piece...or Apathy

Just read it. I cannot say too much
about this piece. Except for the
fact that it shows how cynical I am or
can be. But if you think I am cynical,
then you must go and read "Over the
Rainbow" and then email me and tell me
which one I am. Anyway, enjoy
reading...and always tell me what you think...

I have this dream where I’m in this pit in the middle of a forest. And I don’t know quite how I got there…the dream just always starts out that way. And I’m calm, at the beginning. I try climbing out but I just keep on grabbing handfuls of soil…it’s so slippery. I see the soil falling to the floor of the pit in a fluid-like motion, almost as if it were sand in an hourglass, slipping slowly to the end. I can’t seem to breathe, but I can hear myself scream. I jump up and down, waving my hands in the air, hoping someone will see my hands and stop to help. I yell until my throat is sore, until I see the hopelessness of the situation. Then I start to cry. Because I know I can’t get out, at least not by myself I can’t. Because I know that no one’s going to stop to help. And it seems so real, how everyone stops to look, amazed at how anyone can get into a pit, but no one actually helps. Hesitant, they stand there, and gawk.

And I want to yell, to answer all the questions I know are going through their minds. I wanna say, “I put myself into this position! I dug this hole! And perhaps I can climb out all by myself…perhaps it isn’t as hard as I think. But I’m just waiting, can’t you see? Waiting for someone who cares enough to extend a hand. Because it’s so lonely…not just down here but up there too. If you’d just reach out a hand, I’d know that someone cares. And maybe then I’ll climb out all by myself.”

But I don’t say this. Instead I stand there, an empty hand extended in the empty air and I stare back at them. And then the walls of the pit cave in. And though it is dark and I cannot see, I know they are still there, standing, gawking, with their hands at their sides.

Go to Over the Rainbow

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OR (hehehe...) Go to the Best Friend Piece #1