----- Original Message -----
From: David Virgil Hobbs
To: USC QB Coack Steve Sarkisian
Cc: USC Tackles/tighet ends Coach Keith Uperesa ; USC Receivers Coach Lane Kiffin
Sent: Thursday, November 28, 2002 11:28 AM
Subject: Steve Sarkisian: RE using u for telekinetic acts, original new insights re ancient mysteries prayer & conscience, jox vs nerds, follies of politicos..

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USC QB Coach steve sarkisian: 

You  Steve Sarkisian should be a good choice as a human tool to be used for positive telekinetic purposes! This is rational I'll let you in on an original insight I figured out. Just as you could not hear the drumbeats produced by the mind of the drummer if God blocked the sound waves, so also another type of action of God, interference as opposed to non-interference, allows the benevolent thoughts in the mind of a praying person to have effect on others. (this does not mean God approves of everything he allows to happen). So if you do something such as read the poetic prayer I wrote you can find at the bottom of this email, you might really be able to help us accomplish something.

But lest persons get the idea that it all boils down to telekinetic goodwill, take a glance at the quotation in white below. I ask you, should a person who has the quotation in white you see below in the upper right hand corner of their resume, should such a person have any trouble getting a job?

"Command those who are rich in this present world not to be haughty, neither to put their hope in the uncertainty of wealth but in God, who so richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. Urge them to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous givers, to practice sharing, and to treasure up for themselves a sound foundation for the future, so that they may take hold of the life that is really life. --1 Timothy 6:17-19"

Could be that if everyone paid close attention to the above scripture and meditated on the scripture, and treated the scripture as a God, and managed to divest themselves of religious prejudices that influence them to hate the above scripure, the world would become something closer to what God thinks it should be than it otherwise would. For contrary to certain schools of thought found in the Muslim and Christian traditions, it is not true that everything that happens on earth is God's will. Scripture shows men can do or not do God's will. Scripture (can you for a moment put on the mental filter that allows you to divest your mind of prejudices against such scripture ie if you are a hare krishna imagine the scripture is a hare krishna scripture) enjoins persons to pray that God's will be done on earth as it is in heaven, meaning it is not done on earth as it is in heaven but should be done on earth as it is in heaven. The proper goal of mankind is to turn the earth into something more closely resembling God's Kingdom, something more closely resembling what God plans for it. If persons would immerse themselves in the hobby of making earth more godly, they would find pleasure on earth in greater quantity and quality, and pleasure in the afterlife in greater quantity and quality. What are the chances that the man alive on earth today who will live the longest, will live more than five hundred years? There is a good chance he will die before he reaches five hundred. And by the time he is four hundred years old the years will go be as fast as a day used to when he was four years old. So there is not a man on earth who should not be concerned with attaining the greatest possible quantity and quality of pleasure in the afterlife; it is a pleasure that is pursued by dedicating ones thoughts words and actions to turning the world into a place that is more like what God intends it to be.

As of now 11:24 AM 11/28/2002 I am thinking that some responsible university should keep stats re every year how many persons whose grandparents were prosperous conservatives, have slipped below the poverty line. Such should be recorded for year by year for the past 50 years and for each year in the future, for all the different nations.

My personal feeling while a student at Harvard, is that although the jocks in the Kirkland House jock dorm were politically willing to support new different govt programs different from all before that I would say that there is nothing wrong with in supporting,programs that in fact I consider to have God's stamp of approval on them and to be excellent, it appeared that the "nurdy" physically small types at Adams House produced more spiritual electricity by obeying a preacher's writings. Perhaps the athletic face the temptation of becoming arrogant with whosoever they are able to physically beat up. Some reports in fact indicate that the muscular type is relatively more likely to commit crimes. Maybe the slim type is on the good vs evil scale by nature closer to the extreme good than the heavier types are. Still being a heavier type does not mean one is not written in the Book of Life written at the foundation of the world. Suffice it to say that perhaps the heavier type should humbly keep in mind that since the slim type is by nature closer to extreme good, the selfishness and narcisism of the heavy type could clash with God's will.  
I know some think it unfair that people who are prayed for should be advantaged--but next thing you know they will desire that someone pray for them asking God on their behalf that they not be disadvantaged through people failing to pray for them. In any case the blessings in the poetic prayer are universal and not restricted to any particular group.

For a long time I have been trying to humbly and unselfishly keep a low profile by not specifically asking anyone to pray for me. I figured that such would be done without asking. But as impediments to success have been piling up in my life, I have had second thoughts about this course of action. So as St Paul specifically asked those he wrote to to remember him in their prayers I ask you to do the same for me.

I realize that some are cautious about wishing persons godspeed because such is considered to be partaking in their deeds, which could be evil. But if you think I might be evil you could always instead of wishing me godspeed, bestow upon me some other type of blessing such as the prayer for enemies, or the prayer that the person be improved as a person.

NOTE: Yayzoos is one of the names used for Christ in the poetic prayer. This was the name of Christ according to the earliest written and verbal traditions but was changed later by some translator.

I know people object to Christianity on various grounds, but I object to their objections. The critics fly in the face of reality when they say Christians are this or Christians are that. The majority of Christians do not go around claiming to be expert on who is damned and pronouncing this or that group damned.

Christians such as myself are of the belief that scripture written from a Saint to a particular church was inspired and true for persons of that particular place and time. This does not mean those letters are considered to be literally true for all places and times.

Christians are increasingly aware of how scripture itself admits in three different places that most of God's thoughts words and actions are not in the Bible.

"Victims" of christianity complain about its intolerance; but they would not complain if a tennis coach criticized their technique in the backhand; in Christianity the do's and do'nts are part of a technique for obtaining the Holy Spirit.

People who are proud of their miserable failure to even once obtain the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, do not actually have anything to be proud of.

Faith is like a clay that is soft when it is put in the oven; but in the oven in the fire of religious experience it hardens and turns to knowledge.

How can all the Christianity critics be so aware of the faults of Christianity, but so oblivious to the faults of the other belief systems? It is only natural that the members of belief systems that have had relatively few adherents over time, have committed less crimes than the members of the more popular belief systems. Naturally the groups that have had more opportunity to transgress, as a result of their relatively precocious advances in terms of seafaring, military-industrial development, and the grasp of the reins of power, have transgressed more than the other groups. This does not mean that these precocious groups have had a religious system worse than the other religious systems. The more backward groups might, if history had turned out differently, been even worse than the groups that at least nominally practiced christianity.

Those who attack christianity on the grounds of the historical misdeeds of christian groups, have not taken into account, that the behaviour of such groups has historically been dictated by its unelected leaders. For a long time not just christian but all kinds of groups had unelected leaders. Christianity is the religion that most questions the behaviour of such leaders ("it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God", other scriptures).

When Christians have been given the opportunity to control governments by voting, they have often shown themselves to be kind and generous, maybe too kind and generous.

Christianity is at the root of admired systems of government; and admired ethical behaviour in non-christian societies is rooted in Christianity. Anti-christians who admire such behaviour and ethics amongst non-christians are like a branch railing at the tree from whence it springs.

Human beings of course are capable of doing a poor job of practicing teaching and interpreting christianity. This does not mean that christianity is worse than its competitors as a religion.

The anti-christian rails at Christianity for condemning him for his faults; the true christian however, quietly and meekly accepts that the faults scripture finds him guilty of are imperfections to be improved upon.

American christianity has for a long time been suffering from inanities re predestination, but the problem is with the foolishness of the interpretation not the doctrine itself. It is amazing how through the centuries and milleniums so called scholars have twisted and complicated and misunderstood and ad infinitum debated a doctrine that is actually simple. The actual true doctrine is, that you have to have had your name written in the book of life written before the foundation of world in order to have a chance to go to heaven, but you can have your name blotted out of this book due to your misdeeds.

Does all this talk sound crazy to you? Here is some advice. Jog every day, pray and read scripture every day, quit smoking, purify your mind from all lusts, and after a few days of this go where there is some peace and quiet and smoke some hashish. Or take a little cocaine. Or a little LSD. And try to do such things legally if possible. Then you will understand. And if you still do not understand maybe you should begin according to the best understanding of your conscience sharing your wealth with others, and continue such sharing until the prescribed remedies described above have their intended effect.

Finally another new original insight discovered by myself into theological basics that has somehow escaped the minds of humanity throughout the ages: The excuse, "but it was not against my conscience", is invalid if the conscience has been polluted by various pollutants such as greed, selfishness, arrogance, willfull ignorance, and intellectual laziness. Supposing in the presence of anger or some other mental sin, a person's conscience dictates action A; but in the absence of anger or the given mental sin it dictates action B. If, affected by anger or some other defect in attitude the person follows his conscience and does action A, how could this be better than if, in the absence of anger or some other defect in attitude, he were to commit action A even though his conscience dictated action B? That would imply that the prsence of anger or some other defect in attitude improved the person over what he would have been in the absence of the defect.

Is not the above a great new original insight? It pains me to think of the way I lived when I got this insight and the insight on how prayer has effect and wrote them down, lonely, poor, living in an expensive room the size of a closet, trashed by employers, persecuted and ostracized by prissy campus police.

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Lost Silver Poetic Prayer
  David Virgil Hobbs

Now I pray in remembrance of ancient scriptural parables
which show that through repentance human beings are repairable
parables which show that I was adhering to God's lessons
when I suddenly felt close to God and given a fresh start
when I was feeling the feeling of repentance in my heart
and thirsting for the Spirit and believing Jesus is God's son
Remembering how when Yayzoos walked the earth then drew near
tax collectors and sinners hoping his words would reach their ears
When the chief priests and scribes saw them join Yayzoos for dinner
they murmured, saying, this man receiveth and eateth with sinners
Then Yayzoos told a tale in reply to their angry spirits
Saying, if a woman has ten silver pieces and loses one
she lights a candle and the searching of the house is begun
and she seeks diligently for the lost piece until she finds it
And when she hath found it she calls her friends to gather around
and says, rejoice with me, for the piece which I had lost I have found
Likewise I say unto you, God's angels are glad
when one lost sinner repents of things that are bad
so help us God so time spent hearing these words we have heard
becomes time that helps us to repent in accordance with God's word
Help me God so these memories of the words of God's son
help me to draw closer to God and his angels in heaven
And in general aside from the silver pieces
help me God to draw closer to the spirit of God's son Jesus
Forgive me for my sins and heal me of injuries inside
that I have caused to myself through my sins and my pride
so my desire to draw closer to God will not be denied
And excepting those for whom it's not the will of the divinity
that we should ask such things for them from the God of infinity
All things that I ask for myself through these words of the prophet
I ask also for all people everywhere on the planet
I ask these things of thee God in the name of thy son Yayzoos Christ
Yayzoos who by the name Jesus now draws people to the light

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