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WARNING!! Never drift on public road!!! It is dangerous to other road user and also yourself. It might cause you your licence, money, your car, your life, and the worst is others peoples lifes!!!

If you want to drift, do it in a safe place like in a race track!! And also, PLEASE do care for others drivers!! Go slow, and stay at the back!!

Below are the main 12 drifting techiques.

Drift Techniques
Kansei Drift This is performed at race speeds, when entering a high speed corner a driver lifts his foot off the throttle to induce a mild over steer and then balances the drift through steering and throttle motions. (note the car that is being used for this style of drift should be a neutral balanced car therefore the over steer will induce itself, if the car plows through any turn this technique will not work)
Braking Drift This is performed by trail braking into a corner, then loss of grip is obtained and then balance through steering and throttle motions. (note this is mainly for medium to low speed corners)
Faint Drift This is performed by rocking the car towards the outside of a turn and then using the rebound of grip to throw the car into the normal cornering direction. (note this is heavy rally racing technique used to change vehicle attitudes during cornering, mainly tight mountain corners)
Clutch Kick This is performed by depressing the clutch pedal on approach or during a mild drift, then pop the clutch to give a sudden jolt through the driveline to upset rear traction.
Shift Lock This is performed by letting the revs drop on downshift into a corner and then releasing the clutch to put stress on the driveline to slow the rear tires inducing over steer. (this is like pulling the E-brake through a turn - note this should be performed in the wet to minimize damage to the driveline etc)
E-Brake Drift This technique is very basic, pull the E-Brake or (side brake) to induce rear traction loss and balance drift through steering and throttle play. (note this can also be used to correct errors or fine tune drift angles)
Dirt Drop Drift This is performed by dropping the rear tires off the road into the dirt to maintain or gain drift angle without losing power or speed and to set up for the next turn. (note this technique is very useful for low horsepower cars)
Jump Drift Jump Drift- in this technique the rear tire on the inside of a turn or apex is bounced over a curb to lose traction resulting in over steer.
Long Slide Drift This is done by pulling the E-brake through a strait to start a high angel drift and to hold this to set up for the turn ahead. (note this can only be done at high speed)
Swaying Drift This is a slow side-to-side faint like drift where the rear end sways back and forth down a strait.
FF Drift Front wheel drive drift. The E-brake as well as steering and braking techniques must be used to balance the car through a corner. (note the E-brake is the main technique used to balance the drift)
Power Over This performed when entering a corner and using full throttle to produce heavy oversteer (tail slide) through the turn. (note need horsepower to make this happen)


Tips on the track.
This is only my own opinion.
(NOTE: This work for me, if this doesn't work, don't blame on me! try it at your own risk!)

Loose control:
If you think you are going to go out on the grass,

I'll try to;

1) stop by applying manual ABS (pump the brake pedal) never just press hard on it, because it take longer distance to stop,(expecialy on grass)
2) also pull the hand brakes.
3) and try stay in control for not hitting wall or others cars
4) if heading to the grass or softer ground, steer the car into it, not sideway onto it or else risking fliping your car. Sorfter ground make your tires stuck then flip the car. Seen a few already.. from , Startlet(s), 180SX, RX7, 300ZX!! most driver and passenger are ok, some even just walk away from it.

I know all this from observation, and some happened on me before.
So, hope this tips will help. If you think you got some and want to share with others, click below.