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Cdude's Assembly Page

COMP 228

UPDATE October 14,2002

Just to let you know that I've tested MASM6.11 in Windows XP and it works perfectly. so patching it to 6.15 is entirely optional.

Note: if you get this message "CV1053 Warnning:TOOLS.INI not found" while using Codeview, all you got to do is rename your TOOLS.PRE file in your c:\MASM611\INIT\ folder, to TOOLS.INI and voila!

UPDATE October 11,2002

Some people where having a problem with Codeview, it wasn't running. so I've uploaded another copy of Masm6.11 with working codview, sorry about that. This version works with Windows NT so I assume it will work with XP, try it!

Note: Read the Readme.txt file if you need help in installing or in using MASM 6.11. For further help use the email at the buttom of the page.


Masm 6.11 (Dos,Win9X ,XP, NT) - FIXED Codview, now working
Masm 6.11d Patch - Optional
Masm 6.12 Patch - Optional
Masm 6.13 Patch - Optional
Masm 6.14 Patch - Optional
Masm 6.15 Patch - Optional


Configuring MASM 6.11 (how to configure Masm)
PC Assembly Programming (good info Site)
x86 Assembly Language FAQ (good info site)
Jack Klein's Assembly Page (info, files,etc.)
SAU MASM Documentation (A wealth of MASM guide documents in .PDF format!)


Edward H. Adelson Illusion (good illusion)
XiaoXiao No.03 (watch Stick Fight)
XiaoXiao No.09 (play Stick Fight!!) NEW
XiaoXiao (Official Homepage)