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July 25, 2010

1:51 PM EST - Minor updates to stylesheet for website. Also did some directory cleanup for future uploads. Hopefully, I'll add more in the immediate future. Seriously need to update some of these color schemes to match my blog one of these days.

July 7th, 2009

4:12 PM - Updated the webpage so it auto scrolls for long winded elements. Not really important for the most part, but at least I'm busy once again. Also forgot to mention that I finally added the link to my blog on all of the pages. BLEH! I had totally forgotten about it. Then forgot to close off the bracket for this post! ARGH!

10:31 PM - Updated a few other things for formatting purposes mostly... again. I think next will be a better menu interface for my images that's currently online. Lets hope!

July 9th, 2008

1:01 AM - I'm back on the internet, so to speak. As of right now, I am using my sister's cell phone as a dial-up modem for web access and it's seriously, terribly slow. Now I wonder why I switched to broadband...? But, besides me being on this slow connection, I may actually be able to update some items "less" randomly now. I wonder how long this will last.

In other news, I'm in another art exibit! Maybe I'll sell some of my work this time.

May 31, 2008

2:41 AM - Well, I finally updated the story page to include the navigation menu that the other pages already have. I also updated Cruel Trick and Beach Trouble; this version of Cruel Trick is actually the edited version that I had originally posted at Sticky Site last year with a non grim ending. Heh, Non Grim. I like it better, than the original, but I decided to leave that version in the story section for the hell of it.

And for those wondering where my blog is; well, I still have yet to link my blog onto the site. Primary reason being, I rarely post anything there! It's true, my blog usually just sits there and gathers dust from the lack of use. And the second reason being that my flash based version was somehow "covered" or "deleted" from it's directory when I setup one with Angelfire and I'm still trying to figure out what the hell went wrong!

And in further news, I'll be going to Knoxville, TN to participate in Knoxville Museum of Art's Artist on Location show in the photography category. Even at this moment, I'm still not sure what photo to bring for the show! I guess I'll manage with whatever I decide to bring with me.

And lastly, I'm also in the planning process of making a flash based game which, hopefully, will be in it's own games section in the future here and at Sticky Site's download section. Not much to say about it though, other than it will involve glue. Stay tuned to this section, or my oneday working blog, for additional details and dev notes.

May 26, 2008

3:00 AM - Gah! I got around to some of the other portions of the website, the pictures and links pages. After reading them again, I found that they were almost unreadable, as for the coding side goes, and they needed to be completely overhauled. I'm not really happy with the pictures page, since I had to cut even the last image collection that was there to save space and I even tried a new look for the link icons there.Not sure how they'll end up looking, but thank goodness I changed them over to stylesheets. It'll make them a bit easier to manage.

3:23 AM - Next, I'll update the rest of the galleries to include some of my more recent works and make those easier to navigate as well. Oh, and I added a couple of images to the backgrounds of some of the pages to give them a bit of spice. They'll eventually make it to the 3D portions of my finished pictures page when things get somewhere. That, or they'll go on my Deviant Art page, if I start running out of space. Then, I MAY BE FINISHED! WHOOT!

ACK! The one on this page already is there! I'll link to it later... (looks dead tired) Sigh.

May 25, 2008

12:40 AM - Finally got around to updating my website. If've you haven't been hear in a while, you may be a bit startled! lol! Anywho, the changes are mostly in the way of eliminating some content that was just sitting around doing nothing and streamlining the site, for a cleaner, leaner look. Some other content, like the Devil May Cry 2 and Street Fighter Alpha xml reviews, will stay on the site and will have links to them from the reviews page. It's not going to be perfect, but it'll be easier to get to. Oh, and obviously, this page got a revamp. Heh.

Also, I've changed the site from one with frames, to one that had a more intergrated navigation button set. I'm still not sure where to place the nav buttons; but most likely, they'll stay on the top of the page for easier access. In the future, they may be floating so that as you scroll up and down, they'll always be visible.

And WOAH! SquareEnix's music group, The Black Mages, ROCK! Last I checked, I was able to get one of their soundtracks from Game MP3s as part of a large bit torrent archive.

Febuary 11, 2004

3:28 AM - Rearranged picture gallery due to space constraints. Now it has 2 galleries: Dead or Alive fan and CGI art; and My stuff/Miscellanious Pics. Also updated my work with 4 new aditions to My Stuff/Misc art gallery folder and added Beach Trouble to the Stories section.

2:09 PM - Rearranged stories/fan fiction section so that it is now in alphabetical order and added Tap Dancer to my list. Enjoy!

December 12, 2003

6:43 PM - Well... it was bound to happen, and so I have finally done an update!!!! The update is completely minor, but don't worry about it... For more info, please click the link that goes to my Web Log.

April 28, 2003

12:28 AM - Finally got around to adding that DMC2 game screen shots! Go ahead and check them out!!

March 14, 2003

1:14 AM - Hey everyone, here's another update that I've made! Well, it's more of a work in progress update on my CG art page. Check it out and give me some feedback! Oh and I've posted a review for Street Fighter Alpha, which was done by my sister.

Febuary 10, 2003

2:30 AM - Well... It's really been a while since I've updated the place. It almost looks barren. Anyway, now I'm back and I'm going to actually be doing some updates, not frequently as I now only have Juno and it's at 10 hours a month and that's not a lot of time to do much. I've added a random midi player to the navigation section of my site with 20 possible midi's to be played. There are also some new storie's, or parts of them at the moment.

Let's see, what else was there to say... Oh yeah, I had my 21st birthday last Thursday, nothing to write home about, plus I wasn't feeling well. Oh and my brother bought me Devil May Cry 2 for my birthday, so be on a lookout for a review (finally), but no screen caps!

August 23, 2002

FINALLY AN UPDATE!!!! Yes, I've finally done something with this site, but the flash aspect is taking a little longer than I thought. Anyway, I've uploaded a new pic that I'm working on for all of you to see and I've changed the picture section a little. As for the music not playing... well I'm working on it.

I've also changed my OS to Windows 98/Red Hat Linux 7.2 dual boot. I just hated Windows XP and I hate Win98, but I need to use the internet and this config works well for me. When I get cable internet access and finally ditch AOL, then I kill off Windows for good! But until then, AOL and Windows will have to stay.

July 10, 2002

12:05 PM - This is interesting... During the update to my page, my software takes a nose dive and takes all of my work with it! Man oh man, do I hate Windows. I need to change my OS to Linux when I get the time. Anyway, there was a reason for me to post this and that's to inform you all of some updates! Yes, I finally made some additions to my site and this is another set of many. I've added a section for my artwork (which includes 2D CG, photography, and maybe some 3D when I get better software.) and I'm going to be limiting the music that's going to be played on the site. I tried and tried to make an automated music player that can handle at least 10 midi files, or a playlist of midi files, but none of them seem to work properly. So, I'll be using a player of some sort, like Cressendo, so that you guys can disable the music when you're tired of listening. And one last note. I will be changing the webpage to a Macromedia Flash movie type, instead of HTML. I just want to add some pizzaz to the site and make it more comfortable to navigate. Later!

April 21, 2002

3:06 AM - ARG! What a long night. Well people, I'm finally moving this webpage to (Click HERE to SEE!!) and hopefully they'll keep it up this time! Anyway, I've changed the Baby Sitter Story's layout and made it a bit smaller and fixed the "can't find pic" problem. This is a serious work in progress, so stay tune for more updates as I work somemore on my site. Time to hit the bed and go to work in the morning, so I'll fix this problem later. I'm out!

December 16, 2001

9:21 PM - Hello everyone! Well it's been a while since I've last posted anything on my site. Anyway, I finally got my old computer working and I also purchased a new one with Windows XP installed on it. As soon as I have somemore time to edit the web page more thoroughly, I'll move the site to a larger server and give it some more interesting touches. And before I forget, I also fixed the guest book, so if any of you have anything that you would like to say to me you can post it there or email me. Until my next update, later!!

July 30, 2001

4:20 PM - Well, I bet all of you were wondering what happened these last few weeks. Well, it appears that my comouter had a little short in it and I have to replace the power supply. Hopefully, I won't have to replace anything else, but you know how computers are. I do plan on gettinga new graphics card and some other stuff, but major problems first. Oh and I seemed to have noticed that my Guestbook is not working for some odd reason. Oh well, I'll fix that later. C'ya!

June 29, 2001

1:17 AM - I slightly updated the navigation section so that it shows links to my Guest Book and have fixed a typo in one of the links on the Links page. I also added a banner you those of you that wish to add me to your links pages. Hopefully this the last of the small touches I need to add today.

June 24, 2001

4:08 AM - Well, I have finished the next step in my programming of my new web page. I also figured out how to properly make a frame based web page that actually makes some sense!! Anyhow, the site is comming along quite nicely and now all I really have to do is add the pages with pics on them. By the way, does anyone know where I can get a server that offers more space and is free? That's it for now!

5:05 AM - I just finished updating the Links page. Go and have a look!!

June 11, 2001

5:02 AM - I have finally started the long awaited update to my web site, and man is it taking forever!!! First, I started using Macromedia's Dream Weaver html softwear, but it decided to up and die on me (common Windows problem) so now i have to code the entire thing by hand, which is no fun when you haven't touched pure html, dhtml, and java code for a several months (thank my professors for this). I also had to drop the Street Fighter pictures to get space, which might have not been an entirely good idea. I added a contruction entrance featuring some very cool characters from King of Fighters '99 using a rollover imaga Java-script routine and added a better Dead or Alive picture section with some new music. Oh and I do plan on moving this site to another server!! Hopefully, Crosswinds, or something better, is still free and works. Anyway, that's all for now!!

Febuary 16, 2001

Hey people, it's been a while. I have been swamped by school work and other things. Anyhow, I'm thinking about movng the site to the Crosswinds server just because it's less of a hassle to keep things going. And by the way, this site needs people that like games or have questions so that I can write little help guides and provide codes based on what you gamers really need to know! Any question about nearly any game will be answered. Just drop me a line or sign my guestbook.

November 1, 2000

I added a guestbook. I hope that everyone that view my page signs it! Stories are coming shortly. I also added more game guides to the cheats section. Enjoy!

October 16, 2000

I added a serious amount of pictures to the picture gallery and put them in folders to save time and to have them better organized. I also hope to add a page that is devoted to those that would like to watch the Japansese versions of the Dragon Ball Z episodes and movies sometime soon. I also downloaded a more complete Chrono Cross guide for all of those that still need it. Thanks for the support! Oh yeah, the story page will be getting an update soon, and it will be based on the second piece of QSA's artwork that i currently have.

September 7, 2000

Well it has been a while since I last updated my page. I added some different music and added a Crono Cross guide to the cheats section. Send me some email so I can better update my page!

July 31, 2000

Well I've added a lot of stuff to my site and there's still a lot more for me to do. Thanks for the support.