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Looking at Your Lifestyle

~~Look At Your Lifestyle~~

     Copeland, M.E. & McKay, M. (1992). The Depression Workbook  Calif: New Harbinger Publications, Inc.

Below is a list of stressful events that might trigger or worsen your mood swings. How many apply to your current situation or history?

Marital problems
Alcoholism in the family
Child abuse
Death of a loved or or loved ones
Job stress
A workaholic attitude
Hormonal surges
Lack of emotional support from parents
Working with toxic chemicals
Midlife crisis
Lack of assertiveness
Problems relating to peers
Substance abuse
Loss of custody of child or children
Physical disfigurement
Lack of exercise
Eating disorders
Health problems of family members
Co-dependency issues
Lack of a support network
Control issues
Poor career or lifestyle choices
Sexual abuse
Separation from loved ones
Job termination
Post partum depression
Recall of past emotional hurts
Low self-esteem
Severe exhaustion
Sexual anxiety
Trying to endure too much alone
Excessively high expectations
Poor social skills
Trying to meet the expectations of others
Neglect during childhood
Physical disability
Poor diet
Chronic health problems
Excess responsibility
Lack of self-confidence
Financial problems
Inapprorpriate living space
Other sources of tension, stress, & pressure

Review the events you have noted. Which ones do you think are causing you the most stress, or having the greatest impact on your life? The next exercise will give you the chance to examine these events and their repercussions in more detail.(p.159)

Problematic Situation:

The effect of this situation on your life and the way you

Strategies that might help:________________________________

Plans for implementing these strategies:___________________

How these strategies have worked:__________________________

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